"Thank you Louis. I appreciate your kindness." I smiled as I wrapped my hands tightly around the coffee cup.

"Of course.... I learned it from you." He winked before he turned around and looked in the fridge.

"Want anything to eat?" He questioned as I blushed.

"Ummm I can make something for myself. You don't have to." I said as he chuckled.

"No please, allow me. I'll make you whatever." He said as I stared at his back.

"Okay...What do you have?" I asked as I raised my eyebrows.


Zayn's POV

"Hey Jaylee." I smiled at her as I approached her side and squeezed her bicep.

"Sheesh, you're super tense right now." I commented as I gave her a look before walking into the kitchen.

"That's what I told her." Louis added as he looked up from his phone.

I watched as she shrugged next to the table while she sat in her chair with her legs up to her chest.

"What did you guys have for breakfast?" I questioned as Jaylee peered up at me.

"Louis made some yogurt bowls for us." She replied as I smirked.

"Yogurt bowls? How unlike Louis to do that." I chuckled as she smiled.

"That's what I thought." She giggled back.

"Hey, I bought yogurt in case you'd ever show up. I know you like to eat healthy." Louis mumbled as we both chuckled at him.

"Huh.... no wonder why it tasted kinda moldy." She teased as he put away his phone while we started laughing together.

"Alright if you want to start a fight, I will gladly accept. I'll take you down right now if you want to push my buttons." Louis warned as he got up.

"Aww is poor old Louis grumpy now?" She teased while I blushed.

I loved seeing her so calm and relaxed with us. She was herself.

"Don't mess with me." He said as she smiled while he slowly approached her.

"Come on Lou, fight me if you must. But just know I'd beat you." She grinned as he started reaching for her but she swatted his hands away.

"You wanna go missy?" He grinned as he grabbed her and began tickling her sides.

"Louis! Stop!" She laughed as she began squirming in her chair.

"Not so tough now are ya?" He smirked as he held her wrists in a locked position while his other hand tickled her waist.

"Nooo!" She giggled before she wrapped her legs around his hips and twisted his hand, quickly locking his arms as well.

I was surprised as she had him in a total lock position, wondering where she got those moves from.

"Can't get me now can you?" She grinned as they made eye contact.

"Bet?" He grinned back before he untwisted his arms and lifted her up by her waist, carrying her to the living room before pinning her on the couch and tickling her.

"Louis!" She screamed as he laughed and tackled her, not letting her go.

I smiled as I watched them, finding it adorable how well they got along. I was glad they finally had a good enough friendship instead of constantly disagreeing and fighting each other. It was nice to see them act like this.

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