Real life

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( if you want to watch the whole documentary be my guest it was just what I liked the most and didn't feel like looking through all the other vids so yeah enjoy. Also this is 2 years in the future so the babies are now growing so cute. Also yes the demon slayers went back but they cam back to react again)

Me: you guys will see some stuff you have never seen before in your entire life and maybe you will never see one outside from this video because where you live they don't have them. Also no if you want to see the animals I will teleport them into a box like a did reiner so yeah.

Sanemi: what ever just start the damn thing already

Me: okay with your bitchy attitude.

Sanemi: What you say

Levi: * whispers(serves him right)

Sanemi: Uh what was the pip squeak

Me: Shut up please thank you and doll please take care of them please for me

Violet: sure

Me: yeah I will go get us food and the video is already up their. Enjoy and if you don't like sonic to bad I'm getting it. And I will be choosing your orders because I know I will not remember what you tell me so..... Byyyeee!!!!* leaves and goes to sonic

Eren: is she always like this

Violet: yes but that's why I love her now go react I will be waiting over here.

Mikasa: wait she never said it was 2 hours

Connie: hey what's that thing in the water

Lucas: it's called a lion and it's a carnivore

Sasha: Can I eat it

Lucas: you will be sent to jail if you kill and eat it. So no

Sasha: Oh ok

Shinobu: why do you like to eat so much

Sasha: I just do I can't help it

Obanai: I wonder how your still skinny and not a 200 pound elephant

Sasha: * starts crying a tiny bit. Oh I don't know

Mitsuri: that was rude apologize to her

Obanai: fine I'm sorry

Violet: you better be lucky they aren't here.You made one of her favorite people die she would have killed you if she was here right now so call yourself lucky.

Obanai: Why should I be scared of her

Hange: last time someone did that they got but in a very strong box made out of glass that no one could break and we all watched them get eaten.

Giyuu: why would you watch them get eaten

Eren: they did the same thing to us

Mikasa: they watched our mother and families die all because of our ancestors and they want to kill every last one of us

Mitsuri: were sorry we brought it up how about we just watch the documentary and then see what the kids are doing

Hange: that sounds nice but are there any on titans

Lucas: No

Giyuu: can we just start the thing now

Violet: shut up, stop talking, and watch the damn thing.

Everyone: ok ok

2 hours later

Me: hello did you guys like it

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