some info about me

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Here is to make up for not posting in a while so yeah some info about me . Short

Gender: Gender-fluid
Sexuality: Bi
Name: Alexa Criss

Like : Anime,sweets,books,experimenting, drawing,taking pictures, food, fighting,gymnastics , cooking , hoodies , puppies , music,sing,sleep

Homophobics,racist,nasty food, killing, bad books,waiting, spiders,snakes,bugs and insects ,therapy, rules, being bossed around,homework

I am good at lying and manipulating people if I want to. Also like to make different outfits. I also hate not being included in things and fake friends.

What I want to be is the president

Best friends: 3

I also like to write stories.

Nicknames: queen b,penguin, b,drama queen,

I will post on one of my other stories tuesday or Wednesday and thank you for 53 reads on this.

Words: 124

Bye my little demons

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