Armin Why

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Pretend there is a photo of armin cutting himself while crying.

Eren: Why armin why did you do it.

Armin: I- I uh

Jean: come on you know you can tell us right.

Connie: Yeah why didn't you tell us we could have helped

Mikasa: Hey armin come here.

Armin: * goes to mikasa and cuddles up on her

Levi: also stop with the questions your stressing him out and your making him feel nervous.  So shut up you brats

Me: wow levi cares

Levi: shut up

Me: whatever

Historia: well can you tell us why he cuts.

Annie: I know I shouldn't care but yeah can you tell us why he does cut.

Reiner: Annie you traitor why do you care for that demon

Annie: shut up damon please get rid of him.

Me: sure never liked him anyway but before I do . * teleports demons from tpn to reiner in a glass room. Now you will be eaten by real demons and your welcome you can be with berthodlt now.

Reiner: wait WHAT!!! Hey hey demons dont do it.

Me: does anyone else want to watch his organs get ripped out .

(Everyone says yes)

Me: ok come here I made the room with glass stronger then all the demons combined in that room. So remember if you get on my nerves I can put you in there.

Everyone: o-ok

Me: now let's watch

Reiner: AAHhhhh!!!!!

Sasha: this is funny. Does anyone want popcorn.

M,E,L,C: Meee!!

Me: shh!! You'll wake the baby.

Armin: Mm... what happened

Me: *whispers to armin do you want me to tell them why and what else you have while you go back to sleep.

Armin: *yawns sure but can I have my teddy first

Me: sure here * hands him the teddy

Armin: thanks *goes back to sleep

Reiner: dead af

(Sorry reiner fans but I just had to anyway)

Me: ok you guys that was fun in all but let's get back to business. He gave me permission to tell you . But just know he doesn't just have depression.

Eren: then what else does he have

Me: separation anxiety,starving himself, and he also has suicidal thoughts.

Everyone: Why though

Me: Because he feels like he is just weak and can't do anything right. For example he feels like he just pulls the team down. Also feels guilty that so many people died and feels like he could have saved them if he had tried harder. So any more questions before I start crying.

Eren: * crying in Levi's shoulder

Mikasa: What are his nightmares about * on the verge of tears

Me: 1. When he got harrassed, 2 when the titans broke into the wall, 3 of you all dying and his siblings two.

Erwin: why would he have nightmares about us dying

Me : you guys are his closest and only friends so he scared to lose you guys plus his sibling are the only ones is has left. Plus in those nightmares he watches all of you die while he feels likes it's his fault. Also someone check his wrist then we will rate even though I know the answers but whatever. Erwin you check also we are reacting to him next .

Erwin: anyway * pulls up armins sleeves

Eren : how we were in this room the whole time

Angel marco: maybe when you guys weren't looking he cut his wrist quickly.

Jean : Marco!!!

Marco: hello everyone but I have to go bye.

Me: bye freckled jesus

Marco: disappears

Me: ok anyway rate it

Erwin: 0/10

Mikasa: - infinity

Eren: to many zeros to say

S,C,L,F,I,H,A: Same as eren and mikasa

Demon reiner and berthodlt: Well we liked it.

Me: want me to feed you to the demon again huh

Reiner, berthodlt: nope bye but 100000/10 * le poof

Me: well any way thank you all for reading this chapter . Also my real name is not damon I just chose it because it was close to demon but with an a in it . Anyway that is really all I wanted to say well good bye everyone .

Words: 693

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