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Levi: ok what are we doing here

Mikasa : how are we supposed to know shorty

Levi: Shut up

Eren: no but really what are we doing here

Sasha: Are they gonna give us food

Connie : Sasha not everything is about food but we can go get you some when we go back.

Sasha: ok

Damon : Hello guys and today you will be reacting to stuff I think is interesting.

Levi : 1 who are you and 2 why should we listen to someone like you

Damon: 1 ,I am damon I will tell you more about me later and 2 I can easily erase you from existence.

Jean: Why should we believe you

Damon : Because of this * turns jean into dust and back into himself again

Jean: Ok fine I believe you

Armin : So what are we reacting to first

Damon: The baby I will not let you remember this also sasha come here. Jean you stay because I don't like you.

Eren : ha take that horse face

Jean: oh shut up you suicidal freak

Damon: Jean shut up before I turn you into dust again

Jean : Fine

Damon: And stop it with the goddamn sass and addatude. Now armin ,sasha , and historia go in this room please and then we will start.

Sasha : wait why am I going

Damon: Because your one of my favorites and because I am just like you.

Sasha: oh ok

Damon: Also for you three Armin there is a whole library, Sasha a whole kitchen you can rade, and Historia you can do whatever you want you guys just think of something and it will appear ok

A,S,H : ok * walks into the room and does whatever

Damon: You guys will react to what happened when Jean and Armin took Historia and Eren's place.

Annie: Why are we reacting to that

Eren: shit when did you even get here

Annie : I was always right here you guys just didn't see me

Mikasa: But how?

Annie: don't know don't care now hurry up and get on with it

Damon : ok ok fine

Bye guys the next one will be them reacting to it and what I think they would do. And yes I will tell you more about myself in this book but later as I just told them .
Armin ,Historia, Sasha would you like to do the honors

A,S,H : of course. Bye guys we hoped you enjoyed this.

Words: 423

I am also sorry I didn't post earlier I will try and post sooner . I also just wanted to say that levi is like the same age as eren in this because I do not want to ship a 30+ person with a teenager. And for all the people who already read this part I just wanted to say I did not know how old levi was when I made this and I'm sorry . For not putting this sooner

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