Chapter 19: "You've waited 9 years, can't hurt to wait two more minutes."

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Though she would never admit it, Y/n was personally happy that Lili had gone, at least for the stream. Even though she was with almost 100,000 other people, it felt like a private connection, an experience with just him and her, and if she was with someone else that feeling would be ruined.

She knew that both Lili and Matt would be watching with her, but it felt like the stream was reserved for her.

Which in a way, it was.

She glanced at the all too familiar alarm clock, her leg bobbing up and down in anticipation. They both agreed they would call at 9:00 and the screen currently read 8:59. Her mouse was already hovering over the call button.

The numbers ticked upwards turning the 8,5, and 9, respectively, into the 9 and double 0's. The moment she noticed the change, she rapidly clicked on the mouse on the call, tapping faster than (*Technoblade*) the Flash, a show she recently took up watching.

That also influenced the first thing she said when she joined the VC. "HEY LOSER IT'S ME, BARRY ALLEN THE FASTEST MAN ALIVE,"

"One more Flash reference and I will actually block you" his voice, ever so slightly laced with an accent said immediately.

"No no no no no please dont block me, I'm so sorry, no more Flash jokes." She shook her head obnoxiously slowly for emphasis. "No more, nada, nothing. You can see the truth... in my IRISES" she grinned as she pointed to them. "Get it? Because her name is Iris... come on now, that was funny. No, that was PUNNY? Eh? Eh? Come on, you're supposed to laugh,"

"I mean this in the nicest way possible, callate de una puta vez."

"How the fuck do you expect me to shut up when I'm just so... EXCITED to finally be able to see your face!" she genuinely asked and stared at the blank screen. She drew a slight breath, still finding it insane that that empty computer would be taken up by his face, much like how his computer was taken up by hers.

"Now come onnnn, let me see it, the moment we have all been waiting for, the piece de resistance," She continued, still a bit woozy from her thoughts.

"It's actually pronounced piAy-"


"You've waited 9 years, can't hurt to wait two more minutes." He said, evident he was holding a laugh behind it.

"You asshole. You actual fucking asshole," Y/n slammed her hands on the chair, turned around, and threw a pen at the wall. But with her luck it hit the envelope that she first got from Alex, which was proudly hung up above the dresser. And the ink cartridge exploded.

A hand flew to her mouth and she rushed out of her chair to pick it up. She grabbed the article and after a few seconds she managed to wiggle out the letter inside. There was a growing blotch at the bottom corner. Thankfully, the words were untouched, but the once crisp and clean paper was soggy from the blue liquid oozing out of the pen.

The envelope on the other hand, took a lot more damage. It was completely splattered across, the address was concealed and half of the stamp was a deep azure. Y/n let out a deep sigh as one of her most cherished possessions was ruined. She discarded the yellow envelope but not before peeling the stamp off of it and sticking it to the actual letter. Gently placing the paper down, she opened her bedroom window and chucked the pen that was the culprit to the mess outside.

"Y/n hello, are you still there?" Alex asked, noticing her missing presence.

She called back, still looking out the window to try and see the pen, "Yeah, I just accidentally ruined the first letter you ever gave me. It was worth a lot pero mi estúpido bolígrafo lo destruyó. Now I guess I have to fucking frame just the letter."

Sincerely- A Quackity X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now