Chapter 17: "Buenas noches mi flor maravillosa"

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Lili's POV 1st person:

Guilt was really heavy in the air tonight.

I felt about lying, even though it was a dumb thing to lie about.

I don't have much of a conscience, but when it came to Y/n or Matt I couldn't bring myself to twist the truth. At least without beating myself up about it later.

Not that my brother wouldn't do it anyway.

I was in the park earlier today, or tonight, I should say. Giving myself a little break from him. I don't have abusive parents, but them not caring about having an abusive son probably made it just as worse. My brother is 26, still living with us, unemployed but insisting he take an online college course. That's a blatant lie, all he fucking does is play call of duty with his friends that probably dropped out of elementary school. And his favorite hobby, since apparently gaming is work, is throwing his beer bottles at me. Or hitting me.

I tend to go to the park late at night to try and escape it. Definitely been a lot better since a new update came out for the game and my gullible parents were in town for this week. He may be absolutely dimwitted but he isn't stupid. My parents care about us equally and my mother can spot if I have bruises from a mile away, which makes it harder for him to try and hurt me when they're here.

So here I was, swinging on the rickety platforms that raised me back and forth in a slow steady motion, at times matching my heartbeat which I could feel pulsing out of my chest. Despite not living in a ghetto neighborhood, the treatment I was given at home made me overly paranoid outside, hence the rapid beating inside of my sweater.

I observed the park at night, really shocked as to how different it was during the day. The slides were usually filled to the brim with three-year-old children, stacking amongst themselves to try and reach the top or bottom, depending on what mood they were in. The sandbox was almost never full, with more kids throwing the yellow dirt all over the place, sometimes even at each other. And the seesaw and swings always kept creaking, creaking, creaking away, as if in a symphony called... The Playground.

Past the sunset, it was eerily quiet. Some teenage boys came out across the alley to smoke weed, intoxicating and filling up the vacant place when child-like innocence once took over. No sound except for my sole swing. It was perhaps the solo in the symphony.

I liked to consider myself the spy, not belonging in either, but there all the same. It was at the moment this realization hit me when my phone buzzed in my pocket.

The swing came to a stop with my feet gently hitting the floor, skidding ever so slightly across the pavement. Pulling out my device, I saw an incoming call from Y/n.

Ah Y/n.

Wasn't she something?

I'm most definitely not a religious person, but oh boy do I thank god everyday for bringing her into my life. She's quite literally the light of my darkness that I live in, always somehow tolerating my chaotic energy and if that wasn't enough, she MATCHES it too.

And then of course she has to introduce me to MATTHEW SPORE.

My tiny pansexual heart couldnt possibly handle them separately, but both them as my best friends? What a world I live in.

They were my only hope that I could make it through high school. I've always wanted to be a vet. Even though my cat hates me, I still want to be one.

There's something about being treated like an absolute animal by my brother that makes me want to treat animals like absolute people.

I couldnt dwell on it too much though, so I picked up the call and greeted her with the all too familiar, "What's popping asshole?"

My eyes probably lit up as I heard what she said next and of course I responded in a heartbeat, "Of course I'll come over." Obviously, she was a bit confused as to why I was in the park because I never told anyone about why I'm there, but she let it go. Like the angel she was.

When I got to her house, her mom was in the living room, watching an old sitcom. I waved to her and gave her a quick hug, pausing to watch a couple seconds of the show.

I caught a couple words, something to do with goat pellets. I opened my mouth to say something but her mother burst in laughter before I could. Shrugging a little to myself, I ran upstairs, hopefully able to surprise her.

Well... you could say I was more surprised myself.

I gently pushed the door open and was greeted with a loud blast of party music and Y/n spinning and spinning and spinning wearing only a bright green hoodie. I crept into the room and right as she came my direction, I dipped her and belted the lyrics along.

Ah it was really funny seeing her get all embarrassed.

After that though, we got out a bunch of board games and after too many minutes of arguing we decided on one. Monopoly was fun but the highlight of the night was when she introduced me to the great Alex she always, always, talked about. It was shocking to hear that he's never shown his face before but Y/n has. It made me a little mad by how selfish he was being, but I instantly forgave him after talking with him. And ESPECIALLY after finding his youtube channel. He was criminally hilarious and him dissing our president was more than enough to get me to love him. In fact, I was laughing so hard, it made me lose track of the time.

Sure enough, Y/n nudged me and pointed at her alarm clock which I sympathized with when I saw there were a million cracks running through it. But when I finally made out the numbers through the broken screen, I jumped a little.

It was already 12:15 in the morning.

"Shit!" I whispered loudly to myself, getting up to go out the door, phone in hand.

Y/n got up and put a hand around my arm and pulled me back before I could leave. She shook her head firmly, "There's no way in hell I'm letting you go outside, ALONE, at midnight. You're staying the night and that's final."

Helpless and a victim to her firm grim, I finally gave in and texted my mother that I was spending the night at a friend's house. I tried not to dwell on the fact that she didn't respond. After all, it WAS midnight.

A little part of me hoped she would stay up worrying about me.

But one can only wish.

I collapsed onto the bed next to Y/n and smiled when she gave a little huff in triumph of getting me to stay. Not that it would take much convincing anyways. Quackity on the other hand was already snoring on the other side. Y/n and I exchanged glances and went into a fit of giggles as we heard the soft... almost purring like noises from the boy's mouth.

"It was about time he got some decent sleep. It is usually me who crashes in our calls" Y/n stated, quickly typing in buenas noches mi pequeno pato which my heart warmed as I translated with the minimal Spanish knowledge I possessed.

"Goodnight my little duck" I breathed aloud while reading it.

Y/n turned to me after hanging up. "Now. It's YOUR turn to go to sleep." I grinned and went into her closet to try to find some night clothes that fit me. After finding them and a spare toothbrush, I climbed into the bed next to her, the fluffy blankets not reaching my ankles. I ended up having to curl my knees in to not let my poor toes freeze.

Y/n reached out a hand across my face and brushed a couple flat strands across my face. "Alright, now it's your turn. Do you want it in Spanish or English?"

"Whichever one is sexier?" I raised my eyebrows in mock seduction, but not quite succeeding since my eyelids were shutting down with fatigue.

"Spanish it is." Y/n looked at me intensely and continued softly.

"Buenas noches mi flor maravillosa"

"Goodnight my wonderful flower" I whispered back in translation, the grasp of sleep finally pulling me away.

Sincerely- A Quackity X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now