Chapter 18: "So what has he got planned for the stream then?"

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Y/n's POV 3rd person:

Y/n's eyes fluttered open as quickly as she felt she had shut them. But the rising sun outside proved otherwise. Only having faint memories of last night she turned around to go back to sleep and most certainly did not expect her to be almost face to face with her friend. Her initial shock settled down as she recollected the events of last night. Well... last MORNING was a more fitting term. The surprise however, clearly woke her up plenty. Stifling a yawn, Y/n spread her arms out but quickly retaliated when her hand whacked the door frame.

"SHIT!" she yelped, clutching her hand, now numb from the impact. This pain filled fit resulted in the girl next to her to be woken as well. Lili looked pretty much as groggy as Y/n felt. After finally calming down from the sudden outburst, Y/n asked softly, "How did you sleep?"

Lili blinked for a good few seconds before turning around and groaning in her pillow. A muffled response came after, "I slept fine..." but it ended up sounding more like "Ah sweat pine". Y/n still got the gist of it though.

"I honestly doubt that."

The bluenette rapidly spun and propped herself on her elbows, the previous fatigue vanished for just a split second. "I mean it. I slept fine, don't worry about me. Just... Why did your hand decide to spasm at 6:07? Could it not have waited until I got more than 5 hours of my beauty rest?"

"Oh sorry, next time my hand has a seizure, I'll make sure it doesn't correlate with your sleep schedule. Let me mark the calendar real quick, give me a second."

Y/n ended up actually going to her calendar anyway because what she had said reminded her that she did indeed have something for today. She couldn't quite place her finger on it so after kicking her legs from under a pillow she headed to her door where sure enough, there was a circle around today's date reading, Alex First Stream 10:00 AM MST

"OH FUCK TODAYS ALEX'S FIRST TWITCH STREAM!" Y/n screeched when she finally made out the tiny handwriting. "HOW DID I FORGET-"

She whipped her head to Lili who was still slouched on her arm, clearly not processing what's going on, her eyelids half closed.

"Language!" She heard a voice downstairs.

She let out a quick "SORRY MOM" before grabbing her friend by the shoulders and shaking her.

"LILI ARE YOU EVEN HERE, DID YOU HEAR WHAT I JUST SAID?" Lili bobbed her head up and down, but she wasn't sure if it was a response or just because she was still shaking her.

"So he's officially becoming a gamer then, cool, why is this a big deal?"

Y/n stared at her in a mixture of shock, disbelief, and disappointment. She managed to sputter out, "BECAUSE HE'S DOING A FACE REVEAL YOU DIMWIT"

Lili's eyes grew as wide as saucers. "Wait so you're telling me when I asked him to show his face he said he wouldn't but he was planning on doing it tomorrow? AND he's doing it on stream? So you have to be given the same treatment as all of his other fans in knowing what he looks like?" She glared at the computer screen across the room. "That's a dick move, considering he's one of your closest friends"

Y/n was too giddy to care that Lili was mad, "No, no, he's showing me right before the stream. Then he'll connect the earbuds and I'm going to be constantly talking to him though them during the stream. We discussed this before, every time he streams, I'll always be there so I can talk to him at the same time and help out with chat and stuff.

"Still kind of dicky, considering that he's showing you 5 minutes before the world."

"He has almost 100,000 subs, that's not the whole world."

"Uh that's pretty damn close." Lili scoffed but then paused, "A 100,000 subs!?"

Y/n glanced sideways toward her, "....yes."

Lili jumped up and sprinted to the PC. A couple clicks later she was on the YouTube Home Screen. Sure enough, under the QuackityHQ button, there were 99.8k subscribers. "Wow you weren't lying then... must have been the Donald Trump and Friends videos," she stared in disbelief.

"Why would I lie? Also yeah, those and the game sucks vids." Y/n pointed out in the sidebar where his videos were displayed. Corresponding with the game, she pointed out the Roblox, Undertale, and even ToonTown sucks video, though it was obviously a joke due to the furries in the thumbnail.

"So what has he got planned for the stream then?"

Y/n shrugged, "I mean, it's a face and voice reveal so what do you expect? Probably just chatting or something." She sighed deeply and rested her head on Lili's shoulder, "I'm just really really excited."

The girl ran her long nimble fingers through Y/n's hair softly and chuckled lowly, "Yeah I bet, how long has it been, 10 years?"

"9 actually, but yeah..." she corrected. Both of them lapsed into peaceful silence after and it felt like they were the only ones who coexisted in the quiet place that was their street. With the warm rays from the sunrise pooling through the glass window, the sight was almost ethereal.

This tranquility was abruptly interrupted by a vibration underneath the chair that at the moment felt like an earthquake. Which unfortunately made it difficult to ignore. Y/n broke their odd embrace position to lean down and get the phone to hand it to her taller friend. Lilith took it and saw her mother had texted back. From her tone she wasn't mad necessarily but it was clear she wanted her home immediately.

After glancing at Y/n and she showed her the text with an apologetic face. Y/n just nodded in understanding and hugged the girl opposite of her. "Hey, I'm glad you came over, It was good,"

Lili grinned, "Yeah, it was a good break and I got to meet your long distance Romeo."

Y/n slapped her upside the head, "Shut the fuck up, that would make me Juliet and she's a bitch," but she left Lili grabbing her stuff and snickering to herself out the door while calling back, "I don't hear you arguing against it though"

Y/n threw her llama at her but Lili laughed and swatted it away.

"Alright bye whore,"

Y/n snorted, "You seriously think I'm going to let you go without breakfast?"

"No, I definitely would not have made it out the front door without your mom force feeding me some blueberry pancakes."

Y/n opened the door and smiled, "Good that you know the rules in this house."

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