Chapter 12: "...just make sure to use condoms ok?"

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Y/n darted out the hallway and back to the circular entrance way. The door was so close, almost an arms length away. She was hoping to avoid Mr. Spore, whose room had just an open entryway and was also an arms length away from that very door. It wasn't that she was scared, she'd just prefer not to talk to him. But her hopes crumbled away when she saw the man get up and come over to her.

He walked in front of her, blocking the exit. He put out a hand and Y/n reluctantly shook it. She thought he would question her as to why she was here or say some embarrassing parent shit like "oHhH uSe cOndOms" but she didn't expect him to say, "Thank you."

She froze, her expression clearly showing that confusion. "Uh what?"

He raised an eyebrow, "Did you not hear me? I said thank you."

"No no, I heard you I was just wondering why you said thank you." She grumbled, letting go of his hand.

"Oh. It's because this situation has been really hard for Matthew and Stellalune and I'm glad that at least he is making some friends. You may be a little... interesting, but I'm sure you'll be a good influence. I expect only the best out of you and for my niece and nephew." Y/n assumed Stellalune was Matt's sister's name.

He let out a little sigh and continued, "I'm afraid a little situation has come up with my brother and his wife in which they have entrusted temporary care of them to me. It's been a hard toll on them and I'm truly happy Matthew has already made a quick acquaintance with someone near by. Not to mention what a struggle homeschool has been."

"Do you teach them?" Y/n asked, genuinely trying to imagine Mr. Spore as a teacher but failing miserably. And image of him reading Animal Farm in a monotonous voice to them was so funny that she had to suppress her giggles.

"Good heavens no, I hired a private tutor. But it's obviously not the same experience. I do suppose it's on the safer side however."

"I guess so. But hey, I'm glad I met Matt, he seems like a nice person, it was my pleasure." Y/n reached a hand for the now free doorknob, "Guess I'll see you around Mr. Spore, it was nice to formally meet you."

"Same to you miss Y/n, stay safe." He nodded in acknowledgement and once again went back to his study to wear the poor computer down.

Y/n on the other hand, stood outside for a good couple seconds, breathing in the fresh air. The aftermath of rain was such a wonderful scent that tickled up her nose and instantly relaxed, clearing her of shaver anxiety she might have had earlier. Yet, the calming seconds soon faded away and Y/n found herself sprinting back home, not giving her puddle stained Nikes a second thought. She knocked on the door and was greeted by her mother, who for the first time in days, was smiling. A real genuine smile.

"Aren't you in a good mood," she asked her daughter. How ironic.

"You should see yourself mom. You look like you just won the lottery." Y/n countered back, flopping in the living room couch in fatigue.

"In a way, I did. You finally went outside. I see that as a very big win for me. And it should be a big win for you as well. I see your eye bags have finally gone. Either it's the good weather or you've been napping and I'm sure it's not the latter." She continued, setting down her plate of fruits she was previously munching on.

"You were right you know," y/n sat up, facing her mom. "That guy next door is actually pretty fun, his name is Matthew."

"That's good I'm glad to hear that."

"He's from Buffalo, and he moved here and his sister because something came up with his parents. Mr. Spore is their uncle"

"That sounds nice hun, just make sure to use condoms ok?" Her mother looked at her, popping a grape in her mouth. "I'm just joking, you shouldn't even be thinking about sex right now." She glared.

Y/n groaned and went to go upstairs, "Well, someone was bound to mention that sooner or later."

"Just saying!" Her mother yelled from downstairs, but Y/n gave her no attention as she ran upstairs. Her previous tiredness had vanished and was trumped by the desire to get on her computer again.

She practically crashed into her chair and logged on at sonic speed. She pulled up her Skype DMs and ignored the friend request she had from what she assumed was Matthew. She clicked past it onto Alex's already opened message exchanges and saw she had 14 missed calls. He didn't text or anything, just tried to call.

Her heart swelled with guilt, the feeling like an ice cold hand wrapped around her heart.

She didn't want to be in the grasp of that hand anymore. One by one the fingers fell apart until she clicked the call icon.

The last finger finally melted away when she immediately heard his wonderful, familiar, slightly accented but perfect to her voice say a simple,


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