Chapter 3: "I do like ducks so I guess I'm going to go with it"

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E-mails?, Y/n thought, the word awfully familiar. That's what my mom always says when trying to work. 'I need to check my emails first'

But what ARE emails? Obviously, she didn't know as she'd never been provided with a reason to until now.

She went for a piece of paper to go and ask Alex but she decided couldn't wait any longer than she already had. She instead went downstairs, prayed her mother was in a good mood and asked her instead.

"Hey mom, what are E-mails?"

She looked up from her sudoku puzzle she was playing and said, "Oh it's an electronic letter, you can communicate online with people."

Y/n stared at her mother for a moment. And then exploded.

"WHAT?" she yelled in disbelief. Her mother jumped, clearly very startled by her outburst.

"Uh, yes honey?"

"You're telling me I could have E-Mailed Alex this WHOLE TIME-?"

She glared at her mother who was shaking her head as in understanding of her anger. "No you couldn't have, you need to make an account and you aren't old enough. Besides, the only computer you have is mine, and I need it for work."

But Y/n didn't budge. She stood there fixated on her mom's face, clearly still very angry and upset.

She glanced at her, "BUT, I guess as an early Christmas present I can set up an e-Mail for you but you can only use it if the recipient has an email as well. And since it's my work computer you can only use it every other day. Is that clear?"

Y/n wasn't focused on any part except for the fact that she could now send Alex something in TWO DAYS. She ran to her room to tell him, a big stupid smile plastered on her face. Not forgetting about a special something she gotten from last weekend from the Grand Canyon from him. She added another snow globe to her now 3 count collection, giving it a quick shake, smiling as they all consecutively rained down the white flakes.


Dear Alex,


I hate you. I really really hate you. WHY didn't you tell me about Emails earlier?? I could have talked to you earlier than every week. Unless you don't want to talk to me that much :( I'm hurt. But you can't get rid of me that easily. I got an emaillll. The address is y/ and it's really easy for you to get one, but I can only talk to you every other day. Just ask your mom to get you one. You do have to lie about your age though... but I'm sure you can do that just fine, you should be pretty good at lying-

That's a compliment. Trust me.

Also... MERRY CHRISTMAS Y FELIZ CUMPLEANOS, and yes, I got you another one in case you were wondering. You better get an email so I can talk to you more. And I will personally fly to Mexico and slap you on the head with your mother's chancla if you say you already have one.


Y/n, someone who is very close to bashing your face in.


Dear Y/n


I SWEAR I JUST FOUND OUT, I had no clue what emails were, but I'm definitely getting one now. But Merry Christmas to you too Y/n, gracias for the birthday wishes :D Also speaking of presents, my dad gave me his old computer so... I get to play games, I get to email you more, and I get to search up whatever I want, so I think I'm winning at life. And WHEN are you going to tell me what you keep getting me? I'm starting to think they're just bottle caps. I mean, it's been three years now, I want to knowwww

Your New Years resolution should be to be less secretive my god-

Well, I guess this means this is the last handwritten letter I'll ever send to you Y/n. It's a bit weird, not doing it anymore. I uh... I've kept all the stamps you've sent. It's going to be different not getting any. But at least I get to talk to you more now!

Also, I tried to think about what my email address should be and I got to go on this website called random name generator through my NEW computer. Idk, I just searched up how to come up with a random name and that was the first thing that showed. It said quackity and I have no idea if that's a real word. But I do like ducks so I guess I'm going to go with it. My email is quackity2000y/


Alex, please don't bash my face in




You know how competitive I am. I want to write the last letter to you dude, and I really want to cherish it. For one, I know I can be mean but I'm just teasing you. It's really nice to hear that you kept all the stamps from me. I haven't kept them all, but I put the first one you ever sent to me on my wall with the bright yellow envelope it was on. I guess your last one is going up there too now.

AND HAHAHA QUACKITY IS SUCH A DUMB NAME, I'M SORRY I don't think I can handle calling you that without falling off my bed so I need to come up with a nickname for that. Hmmm

The Quackster?


Greasy Duck boy?

Accurate but no...

Big Q?

Yeahhh that has a nice ring to it, I like it. I'm going to call you that from now on.

I Love you Big Q,

Y/n, and I guess I won't pummel you <3


Sincerely- A Quackity X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now