Chapter 7: "Call it a gut feeling"

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"What the hell-" someone said from above Y/n.

"Huh...?" she asked, her head smashed in her keyboard and her arms sprawled. She got up and rubbed her crusty eyes, realizing she has fallen asleep while on her computer. The voice was also coming from the monitor and it finally hit her that she was previously on a voice call with Quackity.

"Oh shit man, I'm sorry I fell asleep, I didn't get much yesterday. Why'd you have to wake me up?" She mumbled, yawning and stretching out her arms, letting out a little sigh when she heard them pop.

"You sleep talk and I was getting concerned" he responded warily. "Am I really that boring to talk to?"

"Nah I already told you, I'm just sleepy. And it's not like it was a wet dream or anything right?"

No response.

"RIGHT ALEX?" Y/n repeated menacingly.

"No, no it wasn't a wet dream, that would have been awkward and uncomfortable and extremely concerning , you just kept saying random shit like "shut up" three times, "it's cold Matthew" and "I swear to god if you're bald" and I have a feeling the last one is directed at me-"

"What- I haven't even seen you before, why would I assume you're bald?"

"That's exactly why you would assume I'm bald. And in case you were wondering, I am most certainly not. And I don't know, who else would you be talking to?"

"Alex, I know other people than you, you know-"

"Oh yeah speaking of that, who's Matthew?"

"Oh this dude that moved in next door. I met him a couple weeks ago, he's nice but he has a a horrible sense of style. Kinda cute though. And he isn't bald in case you were wondering. Oh his hands are unnaturally warm..."

"And how would you know that?" He questioned, seeming a little annoyed. Y/n snorted and crossed her arms.

"Aye, calmese, it went like this..." So she proceeded to tell him what happened. From his fluffy hair to his dumb ass black hoodie. The occasional scoffing could be heard from him but she ignored it all the same. She ended up mentioning talking about games and that was when he interrupted her.

"Oh by the way, I started up a YouTube."

Y/n was silent for a good solid minute trying to process what he just said before she exploded into her mic. "AY WHAT, YOU DIDN'T TELL ME WHAT THE FUCK MAN-"

"Eres idiota, I just told you" he laughed quietly.

"I could have had some WARNING? Some HEADS UP perhaps?"

"Oh my bad, here's your warning. Would you like me to ship you a neon sign as well? Maybe attach a little alarm? Ooh how about those little bell ringers they put on bikes?"

"Are you kidding me?" she murmured as she finally chucked her alarm clock against the wall.

"Damn, aggressive much?" He whispered, but loud enough for Y/n to hear.

"Yeah I'm just mad you didn't mention any plans for YouTube channels or anything. I would have hyped you up or given you advice or something."

"Well it was sort of impromptu, hence the extremely horrible editing and cringe."

"Well what content did you post?" She asked, her imagination going haywire.

"Just an Oscar winning introduction and flex with my Toontown Toon." He stated nonchalantly.

"Ah yes, I have such high expectations for a video of an animated duck poorly edited in a stock image of a house."

"Wow how did you know?"

"Call it a gut feeling" she remarked.

"Well first of all-"

"Alex, I have been waiting for 10 minutes and sacrificed my alarm clock, are you going to give me the link or not?"

Sincerely- A Quackity X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now