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A week later (wedding day)

"Do you take, Jeon Wonwoo as your lawfully husband?"

"Yeah." I said in unbothered way but Wonwoo suddenly tightened his grip on my hand making me glared at him "Yes, I do"

Wonwoo lifted my hands softly as he pick up the ring. "The ring that you choose looks so beautiful" He giggled.

"Just put it in, stop babbling. "

The priest cleared his throat. Wonwoo chuckled as he softly inserted the ring perfectly at my 4th finger. "Pretty..."

"You may now kiss the bride."

"He is shy, so it's kiss the broom." I laughed out loud.

"Do we really have to...?"

"Ofcourse, why not?" Mingyu yelled from a far.

I pulled him closer at me as I cupped his bread cheeks. "Cutie" i wink at him. He gulped, closing his eyes shut. I start leaning closer, leaving a soft peck at his nose tip. "That's better"

He opened his eyes with a wide smile on his face. Every person who's in the event clapped their hands.

Do you know what am I wearing? Just a white dress that I stole from my mom's closet because this woman don't have any dresses at all.

"Are you sure...? I feel so lonely" he asks. We are currently here inside of the taxi that he hired because damn, we are poor, okay?

"Yeah, I have to. I have a brother to take care of, and a mother who raised me even though that she tried to replaced my dad..."

"She still didn't replace your dad--"

"Aish, nevermind. I am tired" I sighed as I suddenly felt like my eyes are getting heavier.
I slowly rested my head on his shoulder and I felt him getting stiffen. I laughed quietly as I held his hand.


"Stay still"

He relaxed as he let me rest at his shoulder till we get there at my house.

Wonwoo POV

Y/N ended up sleeping at my shoulder but the problem was... she keep moving and she can't stay still. So I instead put her head on my lap as I lay her down on the backseat. She sleeps at the whole journey.

"We are here" The driver said. I look outside, seeing that we stopped at Y/N's house.

"Wait a minute. Let me call his brother..." I sneakily took her phone at her bag. I don't know her password but I am sure that can contact someone without unlocking it. And I am right. I look at her contacts just to see a low number of contacts she have.



Younghee bro


Kim Mingyu


I smiled seeing how she saved my name at her contact. I don't know, I just find it cute.

Okay wonu, stop being a kid who look so excited. I cleared my throat as I tried to pull myself together to call Seungkwan. I contact him and it didn't took long for him to answer.


"Oh... Is this..? Wonwoo hyung?"

"A-ah yes! Your noona fell asleep, can you come out of your house for a sec? We are here inside of a car, it is park in front of your house"

"Okay... wait a minute"

Call ended.

I look outside of the window, I see seungkwan running toward us. He looks so uneasy right now. When he reached the car, he opened the car door as he immediately went to whisper something.

"Hyung... there's a problem..." he said. I frowned.

"Help me to carry Y/N at my back, first then tell me what is it." He immediately nodded as he went to the other side.

As I got out, I carried Y/N on my back as I gave my money to the driver. "Congratulations anyway! Blessed you"

I laughed awkwardly as my cheeks grew red. "Thanks".

The driver drove away as Seungkwan couldn't wait to tell me something. "Wonwoo hyung... I came with your brother Jungkook after the wedding."


"Your father is here. They shouldn't see both of you... wearing like that!" I chuckled as I tightened the grip of holding to Y/N.

"It's okay, seungkwan. That's our plan"
I walk ahead at him, carrying the sleeping Y/N at my back. I reached the door as I saw my father's shoes outside. I let Seungkwan to open the door because I have no free hands to do it.

The sight of my dad sitting at the couch again, welcomed me. They were shocked to see me with Y/N right now.

"What are you doing here? Again???" My father ask. I wanna ignore it! But I couldn't. I might ruin our plan... "Stop ignoring me, Jeon Wonwoo" i frustratingly faced them.

"I am not ignoring you, I am trying to take this lady on her room. Please excuse us" I said as I tried to walk passed but her mother interrupted.

"Let Seungkwan bring her sister to her room"

"Eomma, are you trying to let my bones break??" Seungkwan complaint. I blocked Seungkwan, letting him hide behind.

"It's okay... umm, since you'll be my so called mother... I'll call you mom too" I said. But in fact, I already did marry her daughter so she is legally my own mother in law.

She smile sadly with her sorrowful eyes. "Thankyou, son..." She said.

I smiled as I bowed, making Y/N's chin, hit my shoulder.

"Yah... I told you to stay still"

She said in a sleepy way. I chuckled as I stand up properly again.

"Yaaah... Stop moving..."

She squinted her eyes as she suddenly lean closer to me. She... fuckin did something she shouldn't do!!


I smiled awkwardly as I tried to excuse everything. "She's drunk, I'm sorry"

"Stupid wonu..." she whispered.

I wanna slap myself at this moment, to be honest. I finally did goes to her room without any interruptions.

They probably won't question us, why we're wearing something like this. They might think that we went to something event because Jungkook and Seungkwan are wearing some occasional clothes too.

He is my husband | Jeon Wonwoo Fanfiction Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin