Author's Notes

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Book 1-Toxic inspired by "If the World Was Ending" JP Saxe ft. Julia Micheals

Book 2- Poison inspired by "I hate you, I love you" by Gnash ft Olivia O'Brien.

Book 3- Love Is Our Antidote inspired by "Endless Love" by Diana Ross & Lionel Richie

Basically I was listening to some music and that inspired me to write the books as explained by Book 1 & Book 2 at the end of the short stories. I did enjoy writing a more darker fic about the couple and taking on a different look in the fanfiction by exploring them in an unhealthy relationship that matched the songs I was listening to. It was fun to push Klamille out of the comfort zone I usually write them in.

However, the connection between the pair can still be seen in both Book 1 and Book 2, no matter how unhealthy their relationship was- they were undeniably attracted and in love with each other.

Book 3 finally takes us to a different place in their lives. It has been 5 years since they have seen each other and I think that time is CRUCIAL for the change of characters in the Book 3. Klaus has had to live without Camille for 5 years and he has had all that time to reflect back on his choices and their relationship, and what has led him to be without her. He also has Hope and she is growing up, so he has been forced to mature as a person since he is a father. His family has stood by him, and the mother of his child has married his brother. His other brother married once of Camille's friends, so he can't avoid the truth about Camille.

He had no choice to jump off the deep end and spiral down a path of self-destruction even after Camille abandoned him because they would be there to remind him of her. I am sure it brought painful memories back about his own childhood, but it is important that he doesn't chose that path of self-destruction. He instead chooses to focus on himself and Hope, and his family and to deal with the pain of losing Cami for his OWN child- for Hope and be a better dad than he had. He choses to accept what has befallen the relationship between him and Camille and own his part in it realizing that it wasn't just her, which causes a lot of self-growth. He doesn't allow losing her to cause him to lose himself. That's important for his individual character growth because if he can't be whole as as individual then he can't be healthy for someone else.

Camille has had 5 years in solitude basically, which has helped her with her confidence. She has learned she can survive being alone, though she still misses her friends and family, and of course Klaus. She has realized a lot in this time about herself, which I think is important. She had just lost a twin when she first met Klaus, then their relationship was unhealthy, and she really needed this time to herself to get to know who she is now- without Sean and now as a vampire, etc.

She needed time to become more self-aware without the confusion of her feelings for Klaus mixed in. I think it was critical that she had the time to realize how strong she is and how self-controlled she can be as a person and as a vampire. She analyzes things so she realized how similar to Klaus she actual was as a vampire and had she not had the time apart, she may have really lost the best parts of herself, her humanity, being so caught up in the pain of all that had happened to her.

I think it was important for her to have time to accept her darkness, but understand that she can control it and to remember how much light she still has. It also made her realize that she doesn't "need" Klaus, but she for sure wants him and that is important because it changes the dynamic of her relationship where she can choose him because he makes her better and she makes him better instead of desperation or toxicity.

The could have stayed apart and survived and they both realized that in the time apart, but they can be better together because they realize they can do more than survive...they can thrive together, they are each other's first love and each other's endless love. And like the song says they want to give each other their love. I also like this song for them because of the part that states they can see it in each other's eyes how much they care. I think throughout all the books they were able to read each other through their eyes and that stuck out to me, like when Camille thought she was dying and she conveyed her love to him through her eyes knowing he would understand.

Love is our Antidote (Klamille) Book 3 in a Series Au: Season 4Where stories live. Discover now