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 Davina finally got to the top of the penthouse elevator and the scene she took it was one of chaos. There was blood all over the apartment and a table of torture tools and there were chains hanging from the ceiling. The entire room of furniture had been destroyed and you could barely walk. It was almost like someone went through and tore everything up in sight.

"Cami! Cami where are you?" Davina yelled because she couldn't see anyone in the open living room, but then she heard noises. It was sobbing coming from the left of the apartment so she walked in and saw a big glass mirror and she saw Klaus who looked like he was on the verge of death and he was clutching to a lifeless Cami like she was dead. Aurora was passed out on the ground beside them and Davina panicked and ran through the magically door to get to that room.

"Hold on Cami, just hold on" Davina grabbed out the antidote and stuck her friend in the neck as Klaus still clung to her body crying, not really even noticing Davina was there. "How long has she been down?" Davina was asking Klaus, but he was in a state of shock and maybe worse. He had bruises and blood everywhere and obvious broken bones. Even though she knew he would heal quickly with his hybrid nature, he had to be in a lot of pain. "Klaus." Davina said softly, putting her hand on his arm. "Klaus, it's your sister in law, Davina." She was rubbing his arm now, trying to speak as calmly as possible. "Klaus can you tell me what happened? Can you tell me how long Cami has been asleep?" 

Klaus finally realized that someone was touching him, that someone was here. He heard Davina and tried to focus on what she was saying. "Klaus can you tell me what happened? Can you tell me how long Cami has been asleep?"

Klaus' heat accelerated then, Cami wasn't asleep. He remembered everything from the moment she took his breath away getting off the elevator. Aurora had broken him down emotionally and physically, but he wouldn't give up. He had Hope to live for, but then he got a sight of someone he had only been dreaming about, her. Camille, his brave bartender. She was even more beautiful than he remembered and he couldn't fathom that she would be here, so he thought he was hallucinating. "Camille?" He asked almost as silent prayer, that he could possible have her back in his life, a pleading that this could be real. He watched then knowing it was in fact real when Aurora had a hold of her and he could hear Cami wince in pain. "You are willing to trade yourself for him, then I am a woman of my word." Aurora had told Cami and Klaus knew then that Camille had come here to save him. She was willing to sacrifice her life for his and he couldn't bare it. He survived her leaving him because at least he knew she was alive and happy, but he couldn't bare the thought of her to the fate of Aurora or death. As he watched her being tortured by Aurora who was just slowly killing her since she wasn't invited in he yelled at Cami upset that he could do nothing in this situation except watch the only woman he had ever loved be tortured. "You shouldn't have come Camille!" As soon as he said it he watched her expression change and then he panicked because he saw it in her eyes then, she had given up. She was going to accept whatever fate lied before her with Aurora, she gave into the pain. His fragile fighter had stopped fighting. He closed his eyes not being able to watch what was about to happen, feeling like a coward and a failure all at once, but then Aurora relented, which took him by surprise. "you can come in Cami" he watched her get thrown to the floor, nearly on death's door, barely conscious. Maybe I did make a mistake saying I would switch her for you. It's clear the situation isn't exactly what I thought it was." Aurora's words were like a knife to his heart because of course Cami doesn't love him like he loves her. He thought his entire breath left his body hearing someone else confirm it, at least not having to hear it he could live in denial, that his precious Camille could love him back, like he loves her. Faced with the reality that she never could and seeing her on the floor not saying anything only made it worse, she wouldn't even look in his eyes.

Love is our Antidote (Klamille) Book 3 in a Series Au: Season 4Where stories live. Discover now