Love is our Antidote

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Cami had been in a sleep state for longer than she should have been and Davina stayed watching over her. Kol secured Aurora's sleeping body downstairs in the cellar and informed his siblings about what all had happened and how they were rescued. Kol also told Rebekah and Klaus about Elijah and how vital it was that Rebekah get a hold of Freya to help track Lucien. 

"So Aurora is trapped forever, never going to wake up?" Rebekah questioned

"Yes, exactly, we can do whatever to the body and Tristan is trapped in the warehouse, he can never leave, not matter if it gets burned to the ground, that spell is impenetrable. The only threat we have left is Lucien and Elijah has already texted, he is tracking him. We know where he is, so we just have to find a way to defeat him or to reverse the serum or something. We can't have that threat looming on us and it's only a matter of time before he figures out we were bluffing, before he figures out he is the one who really holds the leverage" Kol finished and he expected Klaus to have some master plan or some kind of a reaction, but Klaus was out of it.

"I'm going to check in on Hope," Klaus said solemnly and he left.

"He is going to be fine" Rebekah told Kol who looked worried. "Why don't you go check on Davina and I will have Marcel bring Reese down to you guys. I want to check on Hayley now that I am sure Elijah has told her he isn't coming home yet. Then I will work on getting Freya to come home." 

"How is she?" Kol asked his wife who was watching over her friend. "I just don't get it, Klaus said it had only been about 5 minutes, the effects shouldn't have been permanent, but she still shouldn't be asleep like this." Davina was worried and Kol knew that all too well. It was how she was when she was pregnant with Reese, worried over every little thing. "She is going to be okay, Davina. You won't lose her." Kol consoled her wife and about that time they heard the small giggles of their baby. "Someone is happy to see mommy and daddy" Marcel said as he hugged Rebekah in the doorway. "Why don't you guys go have some family time and rest."  Rebekah suggested.

"I don't want to leave her. If she wakes up, I don't want her being alone." Davina said as she bounced her happy baby and loved on her husband. 

"I'll stay with her. Klaus is with Hope and she's my best friend too. Besides it's not like I have my husband here to spend time with." Hayley said knowing she was bitter that Elijah chose to track Lucien without even talking with her about it. They shared everything and this rubbed her the wrong way because she knew he did it because she wouldn't approve. Yet, she knew it was the right call to make and that it was important for Hope that Lucien was taken care of so she couldn't be too mad, still she might have him in the dog house a bit when he came home, at least until she got a few good rounds of make-up sex in. 

The next day

Rebekah had gotten a hold of Freya and she was going to be home the following day. Elijah had tracked Lucien to a penthouse in France, of courses he would hide away in style, but it did look like he was going to stay here at least for a short time. Klaus had spent most of his time at Camille's bedside when not with Hope and Cami was still in a sleep state. No one knew what he said in there, but they could always hear him talking when they went by the room. 

"He is probably reading her his memoirs. What else would he have to talk about all day long beside himself." Rebekah mused and the table laughed. "Do you think she'll wake up, it's been over 24 hours?" Hayley asked worried, but no one knew the answer. "I don't know, she should have already been up by now. I gave her the antidote, but maybe it wasn't in time." Davina wiped a tear that escaped. "Don't give up Auntie Sleeping Beauty slept 100 years before she woke up and Aunt Cami is even more pretty than she is" Hope said as she stumbled in the living room overhearing the adult conversation.

Love is our Antidote (Klamille) Book 3 in a Series Au: Season 4Where stories live. Discover now