It's been a while

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Cami POV

I had driven all night and made it back to New Orleans and it didn't feel odd at all. It felt comfortable and relieving to be back, maybe the nerves would come once I saw Klaus, but for now I am just feeling like this is where I am suppose to be. I head to the compound and I immediately started crying. The honey blonde hair of a beautiful little 10 year old greeted me with a hug. "Aunt Cam Cam," Hope screamed as she embraced me in a hug. "Mommy shows me pictures of you and daddy talks about you all the time, I am so glad you finally came home." I quickly wiped my tears and choked back some more sobs, trying not to show these emotions in front of Hope. (But Klaus talks about me?) "Hope you look beautiful, I missed you."  It was true, even though I have been "compelled" to forget Klaus for those three years, Hayley had kept me in Hope's life so I never really had to sever the bond completely from her. Seeing her in person was so much better than pictures and getting to hear her voice. As the day went on I saw so much more the perfect mix of Klaus and Hayley that Hope was splashed in with her own uniqueness, she truly was a magical gift.  

After Hope had went to bed Hayley and I went to the study and shared a drink. We spent some time with small talk about Hope before we got to the real reason I was here. "So Klaus is with Aurora and the Mikaelsons were attacked? What happened and what's the plan?" I asked her and noted how she finished an entire drink before answering me.  "Yes, Cami. I am not going to sugar coat it, it's not good." Hayley said and I started to get sick on my stomach. "But the originals are the most powerful vampires there are, who could have attacked them... how was Klaus captured?" I was so confused and worried, I could tell by Hayley's demeanor that this wasn't good. 

"Well, they were the most powerful creatures. You see a trio of vampires came to New Orleans, the first vampires ever sired by the Mikaelsons. Tristan who was sired by Elijah, Lucien who was sired by Klaus, and then Aurora who was sired by Rebekah. I rolled my eyes in digsust at the name. "Yeah, she sired me remember, we've met" I said bitterly. Then my anger started to get the better of me, "Klaus was dating her when she was first here though right, so how is she a threat now? Are you sure he didn't just decide to get back together with his long lost love" Hayley could sense my jealous and misplaced anger and probably some fear for Klaus too and she did what any real best friend would do, she called me out. "You are Klaus long lost love and Cami you know that she is a threat, she turned you. I know you are worried about him, I am just as worried for Hope's father as I am about Elijah and Rebekah, but I need your help." Hearing her truth called me down, "You're right. Keep going" I told her. 

Anyway, at first things were fine. It just seemed they came to reconnect with their sires and I guess of bit of nostalgia was happening..hence Aurora and Klaus, but then things took a turn after what Aurora did to you. After you left things went pretty south, Klaus found Aurora but instead of killing her he entombed her and Tristan and Lucien were livid. I guess Lucien is in love with Aurora and Tristan as her brother, well you get it, and they used some kind of serum that transformed them. They broke Aurora out and when we attacked us they killed Finn. 

"Wait what do you mean they killed Finn? He can't be killed?" I asked suddenly panicking. "So Aurora can kill Klaus? Where are Elijah and Rebekah?" I was so scared and my heart was beating erratically. 

"Calm down Cami, we're going to save them. Calm down" Hayley reassured me.  "Elijah and Rebekah went after Lucien and Tristan. Klaus went after Aurora." Hayley sighed. "They haven't killed them, yet. I received this." Hayley handed me a box.

I opened the box and screamed and Hayley slammed her hand over my mouth. "Cami, Hope's asleep. It's just a from a deer, it's not theirs."  My breathing calmed and I regained composure. It was the heart of an animal, it wasn't someone I loved. I read the note.

Blood is red,

Bruises, black & blue.

I'll switch Cami for Klaus,

My words will hold true.

My mouth was agape, Aurora really was a pyscho bitch and what was her obsession with me? I hadn't even spoken to Klaus in 5 years. There was another letter to a photo that showed Elijah and Rebekah in an abandoned warehouse. The letter read how the originals would only be released if they gained access to the family trunk. "What's in the family trunk?" I asked Hayley.

Hayley sighed again, "They want Esther's grimoire and they want the Mikaelson family ring, it's said to be a ring that can regenerate the life of anyone wearing it." Hayley started crying there was one letter she didn't show me. They said we now only have 24 hours or they will kill all the Mikaelsons and then Hope next leaving me a childless and without any family.  I was still trying to comprehend the powers of the family ring, but it was my turn to comfort her. "Hayley, you're right. I am here and we will save them." 

Hayley and I hugged. It was nice to have my best friend be right here in the flesh, I loved her like family and being able to see Hope was priceless. I wasn't going to lose Klaus or the Mikaelsons and hopefully after this was over I would find a way to be cordial with Klaus because I didn't want to leave again, this was my home, this was my family. 

"Alright, Cami let's make a plan" Hayley said determined and I looked at her with the same determination. "Let's do this!"

Love is our Antidote (Klamille) Book 3 in a Series Au: Season 4Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora