Stranger? Or Friend?

Start from the beginning

I looked carefully at their clothing and my heart shatters recognizing them in the same clothing as I saw them leave in this morning. My hands shake as I dropped my phone on my bed.

Never have any of us gone on dates without the others. Even on breaks with one or more we never did that.

I grabbed my pillow and started crying into it.

Later when they had come back I looked at the photo again and matched up the clothing down to the socks. We wear the same thing more than once though and barely go shopping for clothes, so it could just be a funny coincidence. I casually asked Jay since he's a pretty crap liar.

"Hey Jay how we're your parents?" He pauses before plastering on a smile. "Oh you know lots of talking and tea nothing else," he said. "Okay," I said then went over to Zane. "Hey Zane did you get those upgrades finished with Borg?" I asked and he nodded not even making eye contact with me and went to the room I was previously sharing with them. I went to Cole next who was throwing a piece of paper in the trash. "Hey Cole how was your dad?" I asked hoping he didn't notice my voice crack. "He was fine sung a lot, but what's new?" He asks sarcastically about to leave when I stop him.

"Really? Than why did I find this picture while on Insta-chirp?" I asked showing him the picture I had found. He looks at it and I could just swear he was cursing in his head that I caught them.

"Okay so what? Not like you like Dareth's place," Cole shrugs off. "One it's okay and two that is not the point! Never have we ever gone on dates without the other even if on break, so why did you all do it and lie about it?" I asked my voice cracking and my fists clenched. I expected a apology, I expected a reason, I expected something, but what I got was not what I expected.

"Because we didn't want you causing anything," he told me which basically translates to they didn't want me around. "But? But that's not fair. I don't cause anything bad," I argued. "You always cause something and I'm sick of it. You always have to do it your way and when you do bad things happen. You took a stupid risk and nearly got y-Lloyd badly hurt," Cole said eyes darting around a little. "Okay he wasn't badly hurt and besides I got hurt worse," I said crossing my arms. Cole pauses thinking before he sighs.

"You need to learn your lesson on stop taking these stupid risks putting us and yourself in danger. We went on a date because until you stop taking stupid risks and getting us in more danger than we need you aren't our boyfriend because we will sooner be dead if you don't stop acting like a child," Cole said pushing his index finger on my chest. "You can't," I tried to argued only to be shot down. "I'm the team leader here Kai you aren't so what I say goes and what I say is that you need to stop being a child always demanding attention. To be honest we quite liked that date without you around since we weren't hounded by the paparazzi for once," Cole said crossing his arms and looking away.

I looked at him in shock clenching my fists tears welling up in my eyes. Cole actually looks at me in the eyes since this conversation started and I looked away shaking before I could see a reaction. I ran to my room and slammed the door shut before I started balling into my pillow.

I don't understand what did I do wrong? Why are they doing this to me? I cried silently in my bed face buried in my pillow. After who knows how long I looked up from my pillow and checked the time on my phone. With a pang in my heart I realized that I missed dinner and no one, not even Nya, came and checked on me.

Just to check I got up wiped my face waiting like five minutes for my blood shot eyes to recede before leaving. I saw no one was in the kitchen, but there were a couple of dishes to signal dinner was over. I go to Nya's room and found she had fallen asleep working on some project again with a plate next to her. It does feel better to know she just got caught up in her work and didn't forget about me, but still the plate shows someone came to check on her why not me?

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