Ep17: The return of Mermaid man and Barnacle boy

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Night in Bikini Bottom as there's a chase as Two-face rides down the road being pursued by the Teen Titans.

Cyborg: We're still on hot pursuit of him.

Robin: I'll try blocking his path.

Robin goes up the roof of the car and flings his birdarangs at Two-face's car. It doesn't do much damage to the car, but it does slow him down. Robin eventually lands one on one of the tires and blows in out. It begins to spiral around as the Titans stop thiw own vehicle to avoid the incoming crash. The car begins burning up as Two-face crawls out to the side of the road.

Robin: Hold it right there, Two-face.

Two-face: You won't be able to stop me, not without your precious Batman around.

Raven: We don't need Batman to stop you.

Two-face: Oh really?

Two-face pulls out a device and presses a button that actives something coming out of the car. The Titans look behind them and see a machine with red eyes and a grey color scheme that rises from the wreckage of the car.

Beast Boy: What is that thing?

Two-face: Like it? Eggman said he "built" it himself and sold it to me at a reasonable price. He calls it the T-800 infantry robot, otherwise known as...the Terminator.

Robin: Looks like this won't be easy.

Cyborg: I got this.

Cyborg charges at the robot and goes for a punch, but the machine quickly grabs it and flings Cyborg to a nearby building. Starfire goes to shoot her lasers from her hands. The machine doesn't flinch when the alder hits its body. The machine then picks up the car with ease and slams the Tamaranian with it. She quickly gets up and kicks the robot but it still doesn't flinch. It then kicks Starfire back at Beast Boy who turns into a gorilla to catch her. He then charges at the robot with Raven throwing a dark magic ball at it. The machine jumps and drop kicks Raven and then dodges the black ball to hit Beast Boy with it. Beast Boy gets up and tries to fight it but the machine overpowers Beast Boy even in his gorilla form. All that was left was Robin.

Robin: It can't be...

Two-face: It's his latest model. It can take on low powered heroes. That includes you.

As Robin prepares to fight the Terminator, a ball of water hits the machine. The water ball seemed to have burnt the metal but it still didn't phase.

Robin: What the?

???: Stop right there metal monster!

From on top of the building, there stood two old men standing. They jump down and face the robot as it faces them.

???: You just committed your last crime, felon.

Two-face: Who the hell are these two?

???: We are the heroes of this city. Mermaid man...

???: And Barnacle Boy.

Robin: Mermaid man and Barnacle Boy?

Barnacle boy: That's right, Robin. We're here because we got called for there was this thing that appeared here.

Mermaid man: And we're not gonna let it get away this time.

Robin: Be careful you two. That machine is extremely powerful.

Barnacle boy: Kid, we dealt with stuff like this before. And besides, we knew it would come to this so we made something to incapacitate it.

Barnacle boy pulls out a device that's shaped like a taser.

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