Ep11: Super Cartoon Universe Bros.

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Deadpool was in his finest day. As he runs with a duffle bag full of goodies he brought, he quickly speeds up and kicks the door down of thier house.

Deadpool: ♪I'm baaaack!♪

Squidward: Thank goodness you're back. This moron won't stop harassing me with his sock puppet.

Patrick: It's called a marionette, Mister Squidward.

Squidward: You don't even know what that means.

Deadpool: You'll never guess what I have.

Squidward: Please let it be the will to live.

Deadpool: A full collection of all the Nintendo games. All on Gamecube, Wii, Wii-U, Super nintendo, Ds, 2Ds, 3Ds and xl, and wait for it. ♪On Swiiiiiiiitch!♪

Squidward:.... Fantastic.

Patrick: Oh boy I wanna play!

Deadpool: I just gotta set up the consoles first.

Spider-man: Hey what's going on?

Squidward: Spandex man got himself a full set. I mean, how did he even get enough money to buy all this?

Spider-man: Oh...you don't wanna know.

Squidward: Like I would want to.

Deadpool: Aaand done.

He goes for the super Nintendo console and boots up Super Mario Bros.

Spider-man:So, we're gonna start off with Mario.

Deadpool: Who wants to be player two?

Squidward: Not me.

Patrick: Me me me.

Patrick runs to the console, picks up a controller and sits beside Deadpool.

Patrick: So uhh..How do you play this game?

Deadpool: Well you see, the crossy thing are the buttons to move, the top button to do some special moves, the bottom button to jump, and...

Spider-man: Okay, let me do the playing, and when I die, Patrick can play next.

Patrick: Hooray!

Deadpool: Alright, let's-a go!

He starts up the game and the screen come on with joyful music playing and a little man on the screen with the title “Super Mario Bros.”

Spider-man: Okay, I'll be player...what is that?

Deadpool: Is what?

What they don't notice is something blue and spining on the screen. It's small at first but then gets bigger and starts to suck things in.

Spider-man: It's a wormhole!

Squidward: Wormhole?!

Patrick: What's a wormhole?!

The wormhole gets even bigger and starts sucking the heroes in. Just then, Harry the Mummy and dopey come in.

Harry: Hey, what's going *Gets sucked in* ooon!

Spider-man: Harry! Dopey!

Patrick: Aaaahahahaaaaah!

Deadpool: *Gets sucked in*I thought wormholes were for wooooooorrrmms!

The heroes are completely sucked in and fly through the vortex for about a minute or two until another wormhole opens and they all fall into the ground.

Deadpool: Ohh, my head. Why can't I feel my anything? *Looks around and sees that his body is crushed by the others* Ooh.

???: It worked! My machine worked!

Cartoon Universe: Season oneWhere stories live. Discover now