♠ Sixteen

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To say that she was exhausted was an understatement. Amy was physically worn out. She couldn't remember what time her eyes had closed and what time she had drifted to sleep. But, she did know that Adam never left her room. After the sexcapades, they'd both pretty much fallen to sleep instantly. Naked, sweaty and cooped up together in Amy's bed. But now, she was wide awake, watching the sun push it's way through the gap in the curtains, filtering into the room, making her wonder what time it was. Her phone was somewhere in the room, she wasn't entirely sure where though. Adam was next to her, one arm slung over her stomach, his head resting gently on her shoulder. His soft snores filled her brain, her eyes flitting over to look at him. She cursed herself silently, because fuck did he look good whilst asleep. His face was relaxed, his features more prominent than ever as she lay here, watching him peacefully sleep. He really was something else, she thought to herself. The urge to run her hand through his soft matted hair was unreal. But, she batted that idea away, not allowing herself to do something so- personal? She couldn't let herself get into a relationship with Adam, she couldn't push the history of Adam and Hannah out of her mind. Their relationship started off with just sex, then they became a thing and look how that ended. She needed to make it clear to Adam that they couldn't be in a proper, adult relationship. That the sex needed to stop, that they couldn't keep doing this. But, as she looked back over at him, her heart fluttered. Suddenly, she heard her phone vibrating somewhere in the room, the unexpected noise, startling Adam from his sleep. 

'What the-' His voice was low, riddled with sleep as he opened his eyes. 

'Morning Sleeping Beauty' Amy greeted him, untangling herself from his body and searching for her phone. Eventually, she found it, underneath Adam's shirt. She saw an incoming call from Kelsey, but wasn't quick enough to answer it. She sighed, placing her phone back on charge and glancing back at Adam. He was still laying on her bed, arms now behind his head as he grinned at her. 

'Never stayed in your bed before, kinda like it' He murmured, his lips still staying in the grin. 

'Don't get used to it' Amy shot back, tossing his shirt to him. Adam caught it, chuckling. 

'Someone's grumpy this morning' He noted, throwing his shirt at the end of the bed and grabbing Amy's wrist. He pulled her down onto the bed, engulfing her in his arms, ensuring she couldn't escape. 

'Let me make you breakfast' The declaration caught Amy off guard, she pursed her lips and then answered. 

'Alright, I'll let you' She replied, causing Adam to unwrap his arms around from around her. 

'Go and get a shower, once you've showered, breakfast will be ready' He assured her, ushering her off the bed. Amy did as she was told, not questioning this mood that Adam was in. She quickly grabbed her shower things and hauled herself into the bathroom. The idea of Adam making breakfast for her, excited her, but in a mushy way. She let out a small groan, starting the shower up and hopping in. Water seeped into her skin, washing away all the sex from the previous night. She closed her eyes and let out a sigh, her feelings for Adam refusing to go away. What was she supposed to do? Was she supposed to let these feelings take over her? Was she supposed to fuck them off? She washed her hair, trying to massage the thoughts of Adam away. Her mind was alive with the memories of them together, everything from the first time they slept together, to them fucking in the library, to his antics at the murder mystery party. She just couldn't get Adam Sackler off her damn mind. Soon enough, after scrubbing herself clean, she got out of the shower and got dry. Taking a deep breath, the towel wrapped around her body, she exited the bathroom, her eyes instantly falling towards Adam. He was shirtless, but wearing boxers, his back to her as he was preparing breakfast and cussing to himself. Amy pressed her lips into a line, trying to hide the smile that was forming on her lips. As quickly as she could, she heaved a pair of shorts on and threw a random t-shirt on, before heading out of the bedroom. 

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