♠ Fourteen (NSFW)

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Trigger warning - assault/attempted r*pe 

'Ronnie, I know that Zimmerman is your friend, but at the end of the day, this is a case. His girlfriend is being accused of assault, we have to do our job, honey' Katherine placed a hand on Ronnie's shoulder, as they stood outside of Kelsey and Flip's apartment. 

'I know Katherine, but-' Katherine cut Ronnie off. 

'No buts, come on' She sighed, raising her hand and knocking on the door. A few moments passed and then the door opened, revealing Flip. His eyebrows knitted together, his eyes falling over both Ronnie and Katherine. 

'What's going on?' Flip asked, concern and confusion was masked all over his face. 

'I'm really sorry, Flip. Is Kelsey here?' Ronnie's tone was solemn, but Katherine was stone faced. 

'She's here- what's this about?' Flip's body language was tense now as he waited for a reply. 

'I'm afraid your girlfriend has been accused of assault and we need to speak to her' Katherine answered Flip, keeping her hard faced composure. Ronnie threw Flip a 'I'm sorry' look as he hung his head. 

'Assault- wait- who put the complaint in?' Flip knew, of course he knew. Fucking Hannah. 

'Flip, we need to talk to her' Katherine pointed out, her hands resting on her hips. Flip internally groaned, knowing Katherine was right. He stepped to the side, allowing both Ronnie and Katherine into the apartment. Kelsey was in the bedroom, rearranging her pregnancy books that Flip had impulsively bought. The creak of the floorboards behind her, caused her to half turn. 

'Baby? You need to come out here- Ronnie and Katherine are here to question you about your- altercation with Hannah' Flip's voice was low, his expression troubled. 

'What?' Was all Kelsey managed to get out. Kelsey's mind started working 100 miles per hour, going over what Flip has said. Altercation with Hannah? Had that bitch really gone to the police? Fuck, she thought to herself. She let out a sigh and followed Flip out into the lounge. 

'I wish I was here on better terms' Ronnie blurted out, his whole body language screaming that he felt incredibly uneasy. Kelsey shook her head, assuring Ronnie it was okay, that he was doing his job. Flip stood half behind Kelsey, his hand slipping into hers. 

'So, let me guess Hannah reported me for assault?' It wasn't a question, not really. Kelsey knew. 

'Ms Horvath said you punched her unprovoked in the doorway of this apartment' Katherine disclosed, her tone pressing. Kelsey could tell the truth, that she did technically punch Hannah without any physical provocation. 

'When did this supposed assault happen? Because I've been here with Kelsey that last two days, so surely if some shit had gone down, don't you think I'd stop my pregnant wife?' Flip cut in, raising his eyebrows and rubbing his hand along his chin. Kelsey squeezed Flip's other hand, a sign for him to shut up and stop risking his job. 

'I mean, that is true, Officer Pierce' Ronnie muttered, glancing over at Katherine. 

'Why would Ms Horvath make it up?' Her eyes narrowed as she interrogated Kelsey. 

'Because she dated my brother, broke his heart and knows he would never take her back. She hates me because I defended my brother. Yes, she came here. Yes, she pissed me off, but I NEVER laid a finger on her' Kelsey protested, trying to make her tone sound as calm as possible. 

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