♠ Nine (NSFW)

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'I should probably get going' Zoe stretched her arms out, glancing at her phone - 11:30pm. She felt like she'd been at Kelsey's apartment for hours. She didn't want to impose on Kelsey's and Flip's time any longer. 

'You sure you want to head back?' Kelsey asked, trying to hide the smirk that was dying to paint itself across her lips. Zoe pulled a face realising that heading back to the apartment, meant she would end up walking in on something she'd rather not. 

'I can't stay here forever' Zoe shrugged, laughing slightly. 

'You could spend the night with me- I mean uh, you could spend the night at my place, if you don't want to head back until the morning' Ronnie stammered, scratching the back of his head, awkwardly. Zoe had to fight the urge to smile at Ronnie's nervous stuttering. Although, she could feel the blush attacking her cheeks at his request. 

'I guess it would be good to spend the night, get used to it, if we are going to room together?' Zoe agreed, reciprocating the smile he was giving her. Inside she was screaming at the thought of being Ronnie's roommate, a guy she barely knew. Yet, knowing he was close to Flip, made her feel slightly more comfortable. Plus he was a cop. 

'I have some clothes you could have for the night' Kelsey offered, standing up and nodding towards her room. Zoe got up, following behind Kelsey and into the bedroom. 

'This was yours and Flip's idea wasn't it?' Zoe whispered in a hush tone as she closed the bedroom door. Kelsey turned around, feigning innocence pretending to not know what Zoe was getting at. 

'He's a nice guy' She observed, opening her wardrobe and grabbing clothes for Zoe. 

'I can see that- but the last time I checked, I was the one setting people up with each other' Zoe pointed out, sitting on the edge of the bed. Kelsey chuckled at Zoe's statement, before turning around and popping the clothes into a bag. 

'You're in a new place, so is he. You will both be able to experience New York together. Plus, you've said you can't share that single bed with Amy forever' Kelsey reminded her, giving her a smile. Zoe exhaled, tilting her head back. 

'I'm not good with any of this. I don't know what I'm doing' She admitted, blowing out a breath before bringing her head back up and looking at Kelsey. 

'You'll be absolutely fine. Flip talks about Ronnie a lot, say he's a gentleman and he's really good at his job' Kelsey assured Zoe, handing her the bag of clothes. Zoe took the bag, taking a breath and following Kelsey back out Flip and Ronnie. 

'I'm ready to go, if you are?' Ronnie asked Zoe, standing up. She nodded, looking back at Kelsey and Flip. 

'Thanks for tonight, it was great. I had a lot of fun. If you hear from Amy or Adam, let me know' She raised her eyebrows at Kelsey, a grin tinting her lips. Kelsey nodded, letting Zoe know she would inform her of any details she would receive. Zoe and Ronnie left the apartment, making their way down to the exit of the building. 

'Are you sure you're okay with me staying with you? We barely know each other and I wouldn't want it to seem like I'm imposing on you' Zoe faltered, attempting at keeping her cool and losing. She had absolutely no idea how to talk to guys she found attractive. Ronnie paused to turn to Zoe.

'I'm okay with it, as long as you are?' Ronnie asked, stuffing his hands deep into the pockets of his jacket as he watched Zoe. 

'I'm good with it' She smiled back at him, matching his pace. Ronnie didn't live too far from Flip and Kelsey, so it was only a short walk in the brisk night air. They chatted backwards and forwards as they rounded the corner, Zoe felt a shiver go through her body. Her leather jacket wasn't keeping her warm tonight, she wrapped her arms around herself as she carried on conversing with Ronnie. 

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