Severus - (2) 🧙🏻‍♂️

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"Severus?" McGonagall asked, knocking on the door of Severus' quarters. A sleepy Severus opened it and he stared at McGonagall.

"What?" he asked, snapping slightly.

"It's (y/n)" McGonagall said.

"What about her?" Severus asked, not hearing Minerva's worry

"She has been sent to St Mungos" she said. "She has been attacked by a group of Gytrashs"

Severus looked at Minerva. "You are joking?" he asked. "No (y/n) knows how to deal with Gytrashs"

"She was knocked down" she said. "Her wand was snapped under their feet"

Severus went whiter than parchment and ran into his quarters, pulling his clothes on. "Where was she when she was found?" Severus shouted at Minerva from another room as he pulled his robes on.

"Hagrid found her in the black forest" she called. "What was she doing there?"

"She said she was getting moondew" he said.

"And you let her go on her own?" Minerva called.

"What do you want me to say?" Severus asked, putting his coat on and stuffing into his pockets some of your things. "To say I am sorry and I should have been there? It has already happened, there is nothing I can do" he shouted, scaring himself in some way. He sighed and put his thumb and forefinger on the top of his nose. "Just, I will go to St Mungos and will be back by dawn"

"Thank you Severus" Minerva said. "What I wanted was for you to next time go with her" she rubbed his arm and he scowled.

"In some ways it is her fault because she refused my offer of help" he sneered.

"Shh Severus" Minerva said. God, she sounded like you Severus thought. "Just go now and you can see her"

Severus nodded and went to the fireplace. "St Mungos" he declared and threw down the flu powder. He popped out in the hospital entryway. Brushing off the ash he walked toward the front desk and inquired.

"First floor" the severe woman said behind the desk. Severus nodded and walked toward the stairs, bounding up them in haste. He found himself in a long ward, slowly he went down, his eyes searching for you and soon his eyes fell on you. You had gashes and bite marks on your face and body. Severus frowned and came over to you, pulling a chair up.

"Severus?" you asked.

"It's the git yes" he said, reaching out his hand and stroking your cheek.

You grimaced in pain and he let go, worried.

"What happened love?" he asked, tenderly stroking your arm where it didn't hurt.

"I was an idiot" you said. "I decided to go further than I should have and put my wand down to collect a herb and the Gytrash attacked me. I tried to go for my wand but they had broken it" you sighed and Severus looked at you sadly.

"But you are safe, which is the main thing" he said. "And next time you shouldn't be a silly twonk hm?"

"Your right Severus" you said laughing slightly, tears started to fall and Severus' face fell. "No, no don't cry" he moaned, he felt awful and powerless as he watched his love in pain in front of him.

"I am so sorry" you said, sniffing. "It's just quite painful"

Severus looked at you with passion and sadness, gently he kissed your head, being careful not to hurt you.

"I brought you some things" he said suddenly. He piled things onto the set of drawers, a change of clothes, a book, pads and finally he brought out a wand, handing it to you. "You may use this until you get a new wand" he said. "It was my mothers"

"I can't take this" you said.

"She has no use for it" Severus said, closing your hand around the handle with his. "She would have adored you if she met you, please take it"

"Okay" you mumbled and Severus let go of your hand. You pointed the wand at the clothes and they started to levitate. Severus' face lit up as he watched it levitate.

"You seem to have control over it" he said, watching you with love as you placed the clothes down and placed the wand on the side.

"I am worried about what I will do with the lessons I am supposed to teach" you said, frowning.

"Just focus on getting better" Severus said. "Madam Pomfrey will fill in the gaps"

"You are right" you said.

"It means I will have to sleep alone" Severus said, sighing.

"Then I will focus on getting better for that" you said. "But will you mind the scars which why not come off?" you asked.

"I did not marry you for your looks" Severus said firmly. "I cannot deny you are very attractive, and still are, even under these bandages" Severus smirked. "But I married you because you took care of me, so I am taking care of you, this is me, here, now, looking after you"

You grinned at Severus and squeezed his hand. "Thank you" you said. Severus grinned and kissed your hand gently, rubbing where the Gytash hadn't hurt you.

Severus had gone to see you every night, bringing dinner or chocolate or some random potion. Your day always got better when Severus came and soon you got better and better. The deep scars still were visible, one which went from your neck all the way down to the middle of your stomach.

One week passed and you finally could leave and could go back to Hogwarts. You were picked up by Severus and together you apparated back to Hogwarts. Immediately Severus took you to your shared quarters, you managed to have a short chat with Minerva before Severus pulled you away and into the quarters.

Immediately he sat you down and placed a meal in front of you. "Eat and then you can sleep" he murmured. You took the plate of pasta and Severus curled up next to you, resting his head on your shoulder.

"You going to eat anything?" you asked.

"No darling" he said, stroking your thighs. "I am not hungry"

You put some pasta on your fork and waved it in front of his face. He batted it away but you still kept it in front of his mouth. Severus rolled his eyes and took it in his mouth. You carried on feeding him pasta, you eating some yourself until the pasta was finished. Severus rested his head on your shoulder and breathed.

"You going to fall asleep on my shoulder or you going to get us to bed?" you asked.

Severus kissed your shoulder and picked you up, carrying you toward the bed and laying you down. "There you go" he said. "Now, say if you are comfortable" he said. Severus wrapped his arms around you and you grimaced, making a noise. Severus let go and put one arm around you. You smiled and Severus nuzzled his nose into your shoulder.

"Are you comfortable?" he asked quietly.

"I am" you said.

"Good" he whispered and kissed your neck gently. "Good night darling, I am so glad you are home"

"I am glad also" you said, relaxing into his gentle embrace.

This is a Gytrash. They are so cute in a weird way

 They are so cute in a weird way

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