~Kagehinatsukkiyama~ ❤️☁️

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"Hey dude, could you walk any faster?" Noya asked while yelling with a scowl, the excited bouncing of his feet betraying his fake anger.

"I'm coming dude!" Tanaka yelled back, cursing slightly at his heavy bag. God, he absolutely hated Thursdays.

It was time for afternoon practice and the two friends decided to arrive a bit early that day (by skipping maths class, of course). They opened the door to the court and smiled slightly when they saw the club room lights already on. They knew that it was Hinata and Kageyama skipping their own classes to (most probably) make out in the dressing room. Noya felt a surge of pride in knowing that his kouhais were every bit like him (except the making out part, of course. Noya demands a comfortable place to be if he's making out with his boyfriend).

The friends shared a menacing look, startlingly equal, and tiptoed to the dressing room. They let out giggles once they heard one of Shoyo's moans as they got closer, and counted up to five to open the door and scare them a bit.

Now, what they expected was the following: They would open the door aggressively and Tanaka would use his deep voice to startle them and make them think it was any kind of authority. Kageyama would be so scared that he'd end up dropping Shoyo from where he's most probably pinned on the wall and Shoyo would push him off at the same time, causing them both to fall on their asses. The wonder duo would be laughing their asses off while the lovebirds blushed, obviously embarrassed.

What happened instead was: Noya opened the door as aggressively as he could and Tanaka did the whole thick voice thing that would surely scare Kageyama and Hinata. However, after a few seconds they realized that while Shoyo was in the expected position, in Kageyama's place stood a person that was blonde, taller and so very obviously not Kageyama. Noya considered the idea that maybe Kageyama dyed his hair and grew up a few inches from the day before to now but then the person turned his face around and- yep, that was definitely Tsukishima.

"What the fuck..." Tanaka whispered, staring hatefully at the two people who were obviously making out. Noya's glad his best friend is capable of speaking because he really couldn't even process what the actual fuck was going on. He saw Hinata's eyes widen from where he was still pinned against the wall and Tsukki's bored glare sent in their direction. He didn't even have the strength to be offended at the look.

"Uhm, it's not what it looks like?" Hinata stammered, his voice coming out squeaky and confusing on his own way. That definitely wakes Noya up from his surprise. Instead, he felt anger surging up at his veins.

"Not what it looks like?! We literally just saw you making out with Tsukki and it's not what it looks like?!" Noya yelled, his voice booming in the small room. He watched Hinata flinch at the loud voice and instantly felt bad for screaming at him but his anger at the situation on hand kept him from doing so. 

Tanaka looked at the pair in disbelief while Tsukki finally let Shoyo down and picked up the shirts on the floor, saying nothing in the process. Noya really wondered why the fuck he looked so unfazed. Once he received the shirt, Hinata put it on and stood there nervously, trying his best to find ways to explain the situation. His eyes darted nervously around the room and his hands trembled at the pressure in the room. Noya felt a new surge of anger when he saw Tsukishima (stingy, mean and rude Tsukishima) lay his hand on top of Hinata's, instantly calming him down.

He saw Tanaka prepare a new wave of screaming (that he would fully supported) when a new, familiar voice spoke behind them.

"Hey guys, what's happening?" Yamaguchi asked with a soft voice, eyebrows furrowing in concern while Kageyama stood beside him, obviously confused but curious. Cheater number 1 (Hinata) looked at the two seniors in front of him with pleading eyes, looking like he was practically begging them to not tell anything to the two people who just arrived. Noya looked at his friend (does he still consider him a friend?) in disbelief but still did what was he asked of and stayed quiet. God, he hated how much he loved his kouhai.

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