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I finally had a day off where I could spend it with my mate. Now being ten weeks, Tate has a bump, if it was a human pregnancy she would be around six or seven months but due to the baby having alpha blood he grows quicker. Tate is still sure we're having a boy, I agree but I can't help but picture a little Tate running around.

With my day off, Tate wanted to go for a walk. Ryan and Eli came with us but were mostly silent. Ryan has become distant and works out a lot more which he's now living up to his rank. Don't get me wrong, he very much looked like a beta before, but now I can't even comprehend his change.

"I need to sit down." Tate breathed out. I nodded and lead her to sit on a fallen tree.

"Are you ok?" I asked her.

"Yeah. Just a little out of breath." She replied with a small smile.

"Do you want to go back? Just sit and cuddle in bed instead." I suggested.

"No. It's a beautiful day, I want to stay out." She shook her head. Eli handed my mate a bottle of water which she gratefully took with a thank you and took small sips. I kissed the side of her head as she leaned on my shoulder.

"I'm ready." Tate stated after five minutes. We both got up and started walking again. We made it to a clearing where Tate wanted to sit down and soak up the sun.

"This is nice." My mate smiled with her eyes closed. She leaned on my chest as we sat on the grass. The sound of the river a few meters away made me feel comfort as well as the sparks of my mate. Everywhere just seemed peaceful.

The birds chirped along with the thumps of rabbits running around the forest. I placed my hands on Tate's bump feeling the small pushes of my pup kicking. A smile came to my lips upon feeling the pup like I have got the last two weeks.

All of a sudden, there was a heavy snapping sound of sticks making me go on high alert. Ryan and Eli came out of their heads and looked around like me, wary of who or what could be out there. It was only then did I smell the scent of rogues, not the usual small group of ten, but more.

Ryan, Eli and I were all quick to shift and circle Tate safely. I could feel the worry through the mind link as she held her bump protectively.

"It's ok beautiful. No one will harm you." I told her.

"I'm scared Theo." My mate whimpered.

"No one will harm you. Alright. I love you beautiful, I won't let anyone hurt you." I looked back at her for a second.

Tate nodded and whispered an, 'I love you' before I looked back. A large group of rogues came out, all snapping their jaws with growls. How the fuck did they get past the warriors?

"Well look what we have here." A sickening voice sounded. My ears flicked at the familiar voice but I couldn't place it. Then he came out.


I shifted back, still in a protective stance in front of Tate. A harsh glare was on my face as I looked at the arsehole who hurt my sister.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I growled.

"Well you see, I wanted to get back at you." Brad smirked darkly.

"I have done nothing for you to get back at me. Leave Brad, now." I said using my alpha tone. Some of the rogues bared their necks and ran off, most seemed unaffected but I could see them wanting to submit.

"That's where you're very wrong." He tutted. "You took away the love of my life. Now I'll take away yours."

"Cara wasn't." I scoffed. "If you're with rogues then you know about mates, and you're not Cara's. She found him and have a baby together. Leave Brad, before this gets out of hand."

"She was. And now I'll take away your precious mate and that baby." He spat out.

"Ryan, take Tate back to the house. Not mine, the family one." I told him.

"Yes alpha." Ryan nodded.

"Theo." Tate whimpered.

"Don't worry beautiful. I'll see you in a bit, alright?" I smiled a little at her.

"I love you. Come back to me." She begged.

"Always." I smiled sadly. "Now go. I love you."

With that, Ryan bent to have Tate sit on his back. When he started running, I looked back at Brad with Eli by my side growling and snarling at them.

"Wrong move." Brad said. I quickly shifted as rogues ran at me and Eli. Ryan must have mind linked dad, Elias and Kolby because they were quick to jump in and help. Soon enough, Rick came with warriors as we all fought to take down the rogues.

Until I heard my mate.

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