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"Bub." Xander and Thomas screamed in excitement upon seeing me sit down with Tate. They both ran up to me and jumped on me. I hugged them tightly with kisses to their heads then I put them back on the floor to carry on playing.

Dad, Elias, Kolby, mama and Eli were all sat around making it easier for us to announce our news.

"Tate and I have something to tell you." I looked between them all.

"I swear to the moon goddess Theo, if you eloped without us I will slap you silly." Mama glared at me.

"No mama." I chuckled. "We're not married yet. We're expecting."

"Um, what?" Elias looked at me surprised. "I thought you didn't want kids."

"I didn't. But it was gonna happen sooner or later, we all knew that. It happened, Tate's pregnant and it's something I have accepted." I told them.

"Congratulations Bub." Mama stood up and kissed my cheek and Tate's.

"We're happy for you." Dad hugged me then Tate.

"You all don't look it." I frowned.

"Babe leave it." Tate whispered to me.

"No. It was all cheers and claps for Cara. I'm just wondering why we get sarcastic congratulations." I growled a little.

"It's not sarcastic Theo. We're just really surprised because you were really adamant on not having pups." Kolby stated. "Like really sure you didn't want them."

"Yes, I didn't want pups, I still don't but I can't change that now. It happened, I'm going to try for Tate's sake and the pup."

"We know Bub." Elias smiled. "It's ok, we know you'll be a great dad."

"Congratulations guys." Eli smiled weakly before leaving the house. My focus went to Ryan and Eli. I'm worried about them, I know they want to be together, which Ryan has accepted but Eli not so much.

"Alpha, more damn rogues east border." A warrior mind linked me. I swore under my breath and quickly kissed Tate before leaving the house. I shifted and ran as quick as I could to the border. Half way there Ryan and Eli joined me so we ran together until we got there.

We all started fighting and killing off the rogues. One jumped on my back as I pinned another but a warrior got the one off me so I could kill the rogue I had pinned.

A loud Yelp sounded making me look to see Ryan's white wolf bleeding from his back leg. Eli took down the last rogue then shifted with me following.

Ryan shifted as well to see a bite mark on his thigh. He whimpered so I went up to him but Eli before me. Eli went to help Ryan up, only to have him growl.

"S-stay the fuck a-away." Ryan growled as he panted.

"Let me help you." Eli growled back and picked up Ryan much to his displeasure.

"Take him to the medical house. I'll go check the rest of the borders." I called out to Eli. He nodded and carried Ryan to the pack doctors to get his wound cleaned and patched up until it heals. It wouldn't take long anyway, at least a day or two depending how deep it is.

Once again, I shifted and ran to the other pack borders to make sure there were no rogues around. For the rest of the day, I carried on going from border to border every couple hours to make sure the rogues weren't a problem.

Throughout the day I had been mind linking Tate to see how she and the pup was. Every time she giggled at me and told me they're both fine.

While laying by a tree, I heard a stick snap and the scent of my mate. My head shot up with my ears perked upon smelling the scent of my mate. Tate came out of the woods with a soft smile when she saw me. I stood up and stretched then went over to my small mate. I towered over the small girl.

I licked her cheek then nudged her back to the tree I was sat under. Once Tate sat down, I curled my body around her and radiated my body heat to her. Her small body leaned on my large fury one with a hand stroking my fur. Again, I licked her cheek and nudged her with my nose as a sign of affection.

"Cara came by the house and I told her. She squealed and hugged me. I thought I was going to pop." Tate laughed.

"Sounds like Cara." I chuckled through the mind link.

"Yeah." She nodded with a smile. "Everyone was very sorry, they're just surprised. I'm surprised but I guess I was thinking of the worst not the good."

"I know. I'm surprised myself. Darius is going bonkers though. He's over the moon that we're going to have a pup." I told her.

"Hmmm, so is willow. I know her and Darius have been speaking about him."

"You're so sure we're having a boy?" I chuckled.

"Yeah. I'm sure." Tate nodded. "I went to see Ryan before I came here. He's healing and will be ok. But it'll take longer because Eli rejected him."

"I know. I feel sorry for them. I want to help but I know when it comes to mates it's up to them." I sighed.

"Yeah, it's better to keep out of their business. Let them join on their own or not." She sighed as well.

After that we sat in silence. Tate had fallen asleep against me with her face buried into my side. I had dad come and get her to take her back home. Through our family link he had told me she was safe in bed.

By midnight came, the night shift warriors came so the rest of us could go home to get some rest. When I got there, I shifted and quickly went inside so no one could see me naked as I didn't leave any shorts out. I had a quick shower before drying myself off and getting into bed next to Tate.

Even in her unconscious state, she still cuddled up to me. I wrapped my arms around her tightly. Just as I was about to close my eyes, a warrior mind linked me about rogues.

Fucking rogues.

A/N: If I was to write another story with all the same characters who would it be? Someone has asked for Ryan and Eli which I've been thinking of doing even before said person asked. If this is a story you'd like to read just comment and I will do it.

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