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At lunch, i sat with Tate at a small table away from everyone. She cuddled up to my side with my arm around her, the sparks making me feel more calm than i have ever been in my life. She spoke about herself, her family, her likes and dislikes, what she does for hobbies. In that short hour it felt like we knew everything about each other. We are very much alike, we both like to sneak out at night to go on runs, we both love hazelnut chocolate, don't judge, we both are close with our wolves and so much more. Tate already loves Cara but my little sister left after some time to sit with her friends.

"Can i ask you something?" Tate looked up at me. I let out a small hum as i looked down at her at my side, so cute and beautiful it was hard to believe a girl like this could be my mate. She's kind, caring, everything you could want in a mate.

"How did you know to come to that corridor with all the people?" She asked.

"Cara came to me." I told her. Tate nodded and laid her head back on my chest. The tips of my fingers ran up and down her arm making us both feel content in the comfortable silence. I placed a kiss on top of her head, just a small gesture to show how much i love this girl already, Darius is already smitten with her and her wolf, Willow. Just like Tata, Willow is kind and very much smitten with me and Darius.

"I'm glad you came." Tate mumbled. "Thank you."

"You have nothing to thank me for. I'll always be here now, you can't get rid of me that easily." I smirked a little with my nose in her hair smelling the apple shampoo only making her scent better.

"Neither can you." Tate smiled up at me. I just want to kiss her. Oh goddess! What if i do it wrong? I've never kissed anyone, what if i'm a bad kisser? She won't want me as a mate. She'll think i'm weird for being a sixteen year old male and not had his first kiss. Well it's not really my fault, i never received a compliment from anyone other than mama, dad and the rest of the family until today. Like what do i do? Do i just do it and see what happens or wait for her to make the first move? I should have come prepared. Hell i didn't think i'd get my mate until well after i turned eighteen when most wolves get theirs, clearly the moon goddess had other plans for me.

"Theo." Tate got my attention bringing me out of my thoughts. I looked down at her as she let out a small giggle making me smile a little. I haven't got used to this smiling shit, it's been years since i last smiled properly, literally.

"Yes love?"

"I can hear your thoughts." She bit her bottom lip to try and hold back her laughter but it only turned me on. Oh god i've barely been with her and she's giving me a boner. Welcome to being fucking sixteen, a hormonal horny teenager, fuck sake.

"Theo i cam still hear." Tate laughed.

"Oh goddess." I groaned hiding my face in her neck to hide my blush. She heard all of that? I thought mates had to be marked to hear each others thoughts.

"It's ok. I-if it makes you feel better i haven't had my first kiss either, or boyfriend, or lost my virginity like most people have." Tate stated blushing herself.

"Neither. No kiss, girlfriend and I'm still a virgin." I admitted.

"Seriously?" She asked. "You're so hot though, cute and kind. How could you have never of had a girlfriend, girls would be queueing up to be with you. You're like a freaking god." She blushed a brighter red than before.

"Same goes for you. How could no guy want you? You're beautiful, pretty, kind. How could someone not want you?" The corners of my mouth going up a little as i pushed her hair behind her ear.

"I get bullied a lot. In my old school and this one as you saw this morning." Tate sighed. "I'm the quiet nerd girl that everyone picks on."

"No one will say anything to you again." I reassured her. "Not while i'm here. Ok? I'll always protect you from anything and everything."

"I know. I can feel it." She smiled. I leaned down to her and nudged my nose to hers getting her cheeks red again.

"Sorry." I moved away from her.

Tate shook her head with a smile. "I like it. Where did you get it from?"

"My family do it as a sign of affection. When we see one of us is sad, or when we're in wolf form we like to do it before we go on runs." I explained. "Just to tell each other a silent i love you."

Tate leaned up and did the same to my nose. "I love you to, already." She giggled.

After school, I walked Tate home seeing as Cara had rounders for an after school club. Tate and I walked hand in hand as we spoke about anything and everything. Other than my family she is the most easiest person to talk to, well unless Cara is on her period then she doesn't want anyone to talk to. She just wants chocolate and cuddles to which she usually goes to mama or one of our aunts. All while us men get the girls chocolate because i don't know about you but i'd rather not have my head bitten off by an angry she-wolf or witches, better yet a hybrid witch and wolf. Aunt Evie is brutal on her period but then again they are more loveable and cuddly, unless you don't give them sweet treats.

"What are your family like?" Tate asked me.

"Sweet, kind, caring. We look after each other seeing as it's only me, my dad, mama and Cara. The rest are aunts and my uncle Harry." I told he. "They're gonna love you when you're ready to meet them."

"I can't wait. If they're like Cara I love them already." She smiled.

"Yeah, all of them. Very protective of my mama and Cara as they're runts, especially me and my dad but very much like Cara. And they'll love you when you're ready to meet them." I smiled a little down at her.

"This is me." Cara looked at her feet. I looked at the small two story house.

"Are you ok?" I lifted her face up by her chin gently.

"Yeah. It's not much but it's my new home." She sighed.

"New home?" I frowned in confusion.

"Don't worry about it. I'll see you tomorrow." Tate smiled at me.

"Want me to pick you up and we walk together?" I called out to her as she walked to the front door.

"I'd like that." She yelled back then went inside the house. I smiled to myself and went home.

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