11. I Started out Clean, but I'm Jaded

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Author's Note: I skipped a day! I'm so sorry. I had a little bout of vertigo. And by little, I mean I was in a dark room wishing for death for approximately 6 hours. lol. Happy Sunday!

11. I Started out Clean, but I'm Jaded

Rozzi had somehow convinced them all to pregame at the club that following weekend, before going to a party on the edge of campus. It was out of the way and it was downright inconvenient. But Mitch was okay with it, of course. Especially since Scott was working and couldn't join them for the party.

Watching Kevin in this place was hilarious.

"Can I get a shot?" Kevin called towards Scott, who was on the other end of the bar. "I don't care what. Something strong. Very strong."

Rozzi held up five fingers. "Make that five."

Scott laughed and got to work, but froze when another bartender pushed past him, grabbing his jacket and turning back around without a word, frantically wiping his eyes.

"Jake-" Scott called, putting down the bottle in his hand, making quick eye contact with another bartender. The other man nodded, and Scott took off.

Mitch watched as the remaining bartender quickly became overwhelmed. Their shots were abandoned on the counter, and Mitch didn't have the heart to ask for them.

Scott returned ten minutes later, looking tired. He passed them all entirely, beelining straight for the bartender he had left behind, whispering something in his ear. The man's eyes widened and he nodded, frowning, before returning to work.

"Everything okay?" Rozzi asked as Scott returned to them.

He picked up the shaker, giving their shots a quick shake before pouring them. "All good."

He didn't smile as he pushed the glasses towards them, and he turned away, tending to everyone else.

"See? This is why I hate this place," Rozzi mumbled, elbowing Chet in the ribs. He only nodded.

"Why? What did we miss?" Kirstin asked.

"That happens once a week, at least," Rozzi replied. "Scott doesn't tell us much about it. But that bartender? Someone crossed a line with him. I'm sure of it."

Mitch woke up the next day feeling ill.

Then it all came rushing back.

They were at the club. Scott left to go after that Jake guy. He came back looking sad. Rozzi told them that this happened all the time.

Then they left.

They went to their party and had a great time, but Mitch couldn't help but miss the man they had left at that bar.

He hated that Scott was definitely having a shitty night, and he definitely should have stayed with him instead.

But he went through the motions of the party, and returned home at around 2. He wondered if he should check in with Scott, but he knew that a text to check on the man's safety might come across as judgy, especially if Scott was already feeling down.

He hated to think of Scott feeling any pain at all. But then confusion set in again, because in a way, it was a relief to see the man feel some pain.

And now there was guilt for that realization.

His phone buzzed on his chest as he lay in bed mulling all of this over, and he thought that Scott must have read his mind. But the call wasn't from Scott. It was Rozzi.

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