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Olivia sat at the old wooden desk in the bedroom, making sure to be as quiet as possible. In the darkness behind her, Beau and George both snored in perfect unison. The only light available was that of the moon, shining in through the sliding glass door that led out to the balcony.  Olivia glanced back at the bed, before pulling out the crumpled-up letter that she had retrieved off the bathroom floor.

She unfolded it and carefully smoothed it down against the surface of the desk. After positioning it in such a way, so that the moonlight could illuminate the words, she squinted and began to read.

When she was finished taking in every word, she folded it back up and tucked it inside one of the many drawers of the desk

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When she was finished taking in every word, she folded it back up and tucked it inside one of the many drawers of the desk. To her surprise, the drawer clicked loudly as it shut and she inhaled sharply, hoping that it had gone unnoticed by Beau and George. She held her breath as she turned around to face the bed, where George had begun to stir.

"Liv?", his eyes remained shut, as he blindly patted the space beside him. When he realized that he was clutching at empty air, his eyes shot open. "Olivia? Where are you?", his voice trembled as he called out for her.

"I'm right here.", she whispered calmly, tip-toeing towards the bed and quickly climbing in beside him. As she laid a gentle hand on George's arm, he let out a sigh of relief. "What's wrong, love?", she inquired, noticing the tears glistening in his tired eyes. 

Without a word he outstretched his arms, beckoning her towards him. She moved in closer and positioned herself onto her side, so that they were lying face to face. George wrapped both his arms around her and pulled her close, while she tried to embrace him with the one arm that wasn't tucked underneath her. As they held each other, Olivia laid her face against his bare chest and George rested his chin on top of her head, inhaling the sweet smell of her shampoo.

"What should I do?", he asked suddenly, breaking the silence between them. Olivia pulled away and shot him a look of confusion, while he reached out to caress her cheek. "I know that you read the letter.", he informed her, causing a look of guilt to spread across her face.

"George-", before she had the chance to explain herself, he cut her off by placing a finger to her lips.

"It's okay! I don't mind, I secretly hoped that you would. Now, I just need you to tell me what to do."

"But I can't do that. It's not my decision to make, it's up to you and...", she trailed off, averting her gaze. 

"Who? Me and Fred? Trust me, if I had a way of finding out his opinion on the matter I would.", he let out an empty laugh and Olivia felt her face grow warm. She choked out an apology and he reached out, lifting her chin until their eyes met. "Fred was the one who made the decisions for both of us. Somehow, he always knew what was best. I can't do this on my own. Please, Liv?"

George looked at her with his eyes full of desperation, and she knew that she had to do something. She took a deep breath and thought of Fred.  The joke shop was something that he and George had dreamt of since they were children, and together they had made that dream come true. Fred wouldn't want George to give up on that dream, just because he wasn't there to share it with him.

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