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"Liv, why are they looking at me like that?", George asked nervously, noticing the collective glares coming from the other side of the tent. Ginny, Fleur, and Hermione all stood with their arms crossed, while Harry and Ron stood nearby, appearing to fear for George. Percy and Charlie both sipped their drinks slowly, keeping their eyes on Bill who had put himself at the front of the group.

"I may have told your Mum what you said earlier, and I have my suspicions that she told everyone else.", she explained quietly, biting her bottom lip.

"I guess I deserve that.", he sighed, interlocking his fingers with hers as Bill made his way towards the pair. Eventually, he came to a sudden stop in front of them and let out an exaggerated exhale.



The men addressed each other cooly and Olivia could feel the tension rise between them. She stepped forward, placing herself in front of George with her back pressed against his chest. Bill's expression softened for a moment and he smiled down at her, before furrowing his brow at George once again.

"This seems to be turning into a habit, Mate.", Bill kept his voice low to not disturb the other guests, and George shifted uncomfortably under his gaze.

"It's okay! He apologized, and there's no need to dwell on it.", Olivia insisted, coming to George's defence. Her breath hitched as George trailed his fingers down her bare arms, sending goosebumps across the surface of her skin. "And besides that, we're here to celebrate. Happy anniversary!", she exclaimed, pulling away from George and throwing her arms around Bill.

After taking a moment to realize what was happening, Bill chuckled and hugged her back. He then glanced over the top of her head at George, giving him a stern look that said more than words ever could. George nodded his head slowly, acknowledging Bill's silent warning.

"Shall we return to the party?", Bill cleared his throat, taking a large step back from Olivia.

"That sounds like a great idea.", George answered for the pair, allowing Olivia to take his hand and lead him further into the tent where Molly beckoned them over. "Is that?", he gulped, noticing Teddy sitting on Andromeda's lap.

"It is.", Olivia whispered feeling his grip tighten on her hand. She turned her gaze upwards, watching the muscle in his jaw flex as he tried to suppress his emotions. "Love, look at me. If this is going to be too much for you, we don't have to stay.", she tugged on his arm, forcing him out of his thoughts.

"I'll be okay.", he responded, giving her a small reassuring smile. 

"Are you sure?"


"In that case, I think it's time you meet him.", she insisted, directing him towards the table where Molly and Andromeda were waiting.  

"George, you remember Andromeda don't you?", Molly sang cheerfully, gesturing towards the woman at her side.

"Vaguely.", he answered apologetically, reaching out and shaking Andromeda's hand.  She held onto his hand tightly, drawing him in closer as she spoke.

"You've grown into quite a strapping young man, haven't you?", she commented, looking him up and down. George was caught off guard by the unexpected compliment, his cheeks turning a light shade of pink.  Olivia turned her face away and covered her mouth, to stifle the laugh that threatened to escape. "Getting married and having children, that's all very exciting.", Andromeda continued, releasing George's hand.

"It is! Sometimes it's hard to believe that it's really happening.", he responded, running his fingers through his hair and side glancing at Olivia.

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