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A loud commotion erupted downstairs, startling Olivia who had been laying on her side, watching Beau and George sleep soundly. She sat up quickly and carefully scooped Beau into her arms. Without waking George, she crept out of the room and into the corridor. Letting her curiosity get the best of her, she stopped at the top of the stairwell and tried to listen to the voices that echoed up towards her.

Fleur and Giselle were screaming at each other in french, while Bill tried his best to mediate. Olivia could hear the confused tone in his voice, as he struggled to understand what the two women were saying. Fleur cried out and then everything fell to silence. Beau began to stir in Olivia's arms, letting out a small whimper. She gently rocked him back and forth, lulling him back to sleep.

Once he had stopped moving, she cautiously made her way down the stairs. When she finally reached the bottom step, she found a teary-eyed Fleur and a red-faced Bill awaiting her in the living room. Charlie stood silently near the kitchen, looking dazed and confused. Olivia's eyes darted back and forth between the three of them,  anxiously waiting for someone to tell her what had happened. 

"Where's Giselle?", she asked, clearing her throat.

"She just left.", Bill answered, wiping the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand. Charlie left his spot across the room and stepped closer, wanting to be a part of the conversation.

"And when does she plan to be back?", Olivia inquired, glancing down at the baby in her arms. Bill and Charlie both shrugged and turned their attention to Fleur, who was slowly shaking her head.

"She's won't be returning. She came here with the intention of leaving him behind.", Fleur choked out, waving her hand in Beau's direction. Bill let out an exasperated sigh while he wrapped his arm around his wife. Charlie shook his head in disbelief and let out a small, unenthused chuckle.

"That's mental! Why the hell would she do that?", he directed his question to Fleur, who lowered herself onto the couch and exhaled slowly, trying to calm herself down before answering.

"When her mother and father heard the news of your brother's passing, they gave her an ultimatum. If she gave up the child, she would be welcomed back into their home.", she explained, looking ashamed to be a part of the Delacour family.

"But she could have stayed here with him!", Olivia snapped, feeling her cheeks, neck and ears grow hot. Memories of her childhood spent in foster care, flooding over her.  She looked down at the child in her trembling hands and her heart broke for him. Bill stepped forward and took Beau out of her arms, noticing the way her body was responding to the news. "George and I will raise him.", she stated firmly, her mind already made up.

"I think that's something you should discuss with him first.", Bill whispered, trying to be a voice of reason.

"Yes, this is a big decision. Especially when you have two of your own on the way.", Fleur spoke up, agreeing with Bill. Charlie shifted uncomfortably nearby, not having anything relevant to add to the conversation.

"I appreciate the concern, but it's decided-"

"What's decided?", Ron interrupted, running through the front door, panting heavily as if he had just run a marathon.

"Don't worry about it! What can we do for you, mate?", Charlie addressed his younger brother, giving him a smile.

"I was wondering if we were still doing what we had talked about earlier?", he asked, fidgeting with his hands. 

"Oh yes, of course! Bloody hell, would you look at the time! We best get everything set up before it gets dark!", Charlie gasped, walking over to join Ron.

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