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Olivia stared down into the same pair of sinister eyes that had plagued her dreams for months. Fenrir Greyback grinned up at her, drew his arm back and slashed her across the stomach. Her own screams drowned out everything else as the searing pain in her abdomen startled her awake.

As she regained consciousness the sound of her own screams, morphed into a high-pitched giggle. Her eyes shot towards Beau's bassinet, but as she realized that he wasn't in it a sense of dread overcame her. Still groggy from sleep, she sat up in a panic, rubbing her eyes and trying to think logically.

"You okay, love? Was it another nightmare?", George's voice was filled with concern as he reached out from his side of the bed to gently caress her arm. The way she flinched in response to his touch was enough to answer his question.

He gave her a sympathetic look, before turning his attention back towards Beau who was laying flat on his back and grinning up at him. George began to tickle him and he squealed happily, kicking his feet and pumping his arms in all directions. The sight distracted Olivia from her nightmare and it wasn't long until she had a smile on her face.

"Good morning, handsome.", she cooed, leaning over to kiss Beau on the forehead.

"Wheres mine?", George pouted playfully, gesturing to his cheek. Olivia laughed and grabbed his chin, turning his face towards hers. She kissed him once on each cheek and then lightly on the mouth. 

"Was that to your satisfaction Sir?", she grinned, slowly pulling away.

"It will do...for now.", he whispered, glancing down at her lips, while suggestively biting his own. "Although, you do get bonus points for calling me Sir.", he added with a laugh. Olivia tried to appear unphased by his words and the raspiness of his morning voice, but a warmth rose to her cheeks, betraying her.

"Ahem! Shall we go see if everyone else is awake?", she cleared her throat, threw off the covers and jumped out of bed all in one fluid motion, while George watched in silence. 

"Everyone was pretty smashed last night, even Mum and Dad. I'm pretty sure that we'll be the only ones functioning properly this morning.", he chuckled, picking up Beau and bringing him close to his chest. A thought crossed Olivia's mind as George climbed out of bed and he shot her a knowing look, instantly recognizing the expression on her face.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Because I know you. Care to tell me what you're thinking?"

"Am I honestly that easy to read?", she sighed, slightly disappointed with herself.

"Of course not, your very existence is shrouded in mystery.  You are completely unreadable-", he teased, his voice thick with sarcasm.

"You're hilarious.", she sighed, shaking her head at his antics before continuing. "I was thinking that it might be nice if we made breakfast for everyone!", she gushed excitedly, watching George's face drop.

"Bloody hell...I can't cook. How about you mate?", he looked down at Beau, the serious expression on his face causing Olivia to burst into a fit of laughter. "This is no joke! There is a very high chance that I could blow up the kitchen.", he added, carrying on with his fake sense of concern.

"Lucky for you, I've actually paid attention when your Mum makes food. If you follow my lead, we should all survive the daunting task that is cooking breakfast.", she teased, walking to George's side of the bed and taking Beau out of his arms. "We'll be waiting."

George watched her walk across the room, admiring the sight of her hips swaying back and forth. As she reached the door and glance back over her shoulder, he raised his eyes from her ass and gave her a cheeky grin. She responded by blowing him a quick kiss, before leaving him standing alone in the room.

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