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Olivia stared at the envelope next to her plate and tried to force down her breakfast. She did her best to appear unphased, despite the letter's arrival having ruined her appetite. Everyone around the table continued to act like everything was fine, but she knew the truth. Nothing about the letter was fine and George's refusal to acknowledge it worried her.

Charlie finished his food first and reached for the envelope with his name on it. He tore it open without much regard for the letter folded up inside. As he pulled the letter out, his eyes scanned over the parchment, his lips moved ever so slightly, mouthing the words.

"It looks like my time here is up!", he blurted out, dropping the letter down on the table.

"Just like that? But it's so sudden.", Molly gasped, as she swallowed her mouthful of food.

"There has been a sudden influx of Hungarian horntails, and they're in desperate need of my help.", he explained, leaning over to pass her the letter so that she could read it for herself.

"When must you go?", she read over the words on the parchment as she questioned him.

"I'll start packing after everyone is finished breakfast and be gone before lunch.", he answered, watching tears pool in Molly's eyes. "Blimey Mum, please don't cry! We knew it was only a matter of time until I had to leave again, and with school starting next month and everything else returning to normal, it only makes sense that I return to Romania.", he spoke calmly, trying to comfort his Mother from across the table.

Molly nodded in understanding, quickly wiping away her tears before they had the chance to fall. Unbeknownst to everyone at the table but Olivia, George had tensed up, gripping the handle of his fork tightly with a vacant look in his eyes. Concerned, she placed a hand on his forearm, startling him out of the trance he was in.

"Mum, could you take Beau?", he asked, clearing his throat and jumping out of his seat. He walked towards Molly and carefully lifted Beau out of the baby carrier. Caught off guard by the suddenness of George's actions, Molly nodded silently and held out her arms.

"Is everything okay, Dear?", she whispered, her voice filled with concern as she drew Beau in close to her.

"Of course.", he forced a cheerful tone, before leaning down to kiss her on the forehead. He then walked over and did the same to Olivia, before reaching past her to retrieve the letter off the table. She looked up into his eyes and he forced a small smile, before turning on his heel and leaving the kitchen. Everyone exchanged worried glances as his footsteps carried through the living room and up the stairs. 

"Should someone go after him?", Percy asked, looking in the direction that George had gone.

"No. He needs a moment to himself.", Molly and Olivia answered in unison, locking eyes with each other. An eerie quiet came over the table, as those who had already finished eating sat watching the others clean their plates.

"So, Percy! Have you considered returning to work at The Ministry?", Arthur blurted out, breaking the silence.

"Indeed, and after much thought, I have decided that returning to work is exactly what I need. Under Shaklebolt's leadership, The Ministry has a promising future and I want to be a part of it.", he responded, straightening his posture as he spoke.

"Erm, yes. My thoughts exactly.", Arthur smiled, agreeing with Percy's long-winded answer.

"I suppose it's time I return to my flat as well.", Percy added nonchalantly.

"Your flat? But you know that you're always welcome here!", Molly stammered, feeling overwhelmed by everyone's sudden decision to leave The Burrow.

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