Chapter 1

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Her eyes began to strain as she stared through her binoculars. She imagined how that guy who sits on the tree next to their house feels. She'd only seen him a few times, but she knew not to rat out a fellow stalker.
After blinking a bit, she continued to observe the window that sat above the cactus farm within the property. She sat on the roof of a house adjacent to the window she targeted for a clear view. Next to her sat a duffel bag, which she leaned against.
Suddenly, she eyed a figure stepping into what she knew was the bathroom. "There you are, Diaz" she whispered to herself. She didn't have to be quick, since he usually took long showers, but she had to get in quietly which she had plenty of experience in.

She hopped off the roof she sat on into a pile of conveniently placed leaves, making a beeline towards the Diaz household. As she reached the property, she made sure the lights were out in every room, which they appeared to be from the outside.
She moved towards the front door, observing through the living room window, where it had been lifeless for at least a few hours. She extracted the keys that had been meant for the front door. "Thank you, Marco." She whispered to herself again slyly. Once she heard the click of an unlocked door, she slowly swung it open, making as little creaks as possible. She stepped through the frame and closed the door, locking it again. She was invading a home, not an anarchist.

She moved up the stairs within the near pitch black house, with only the moonlight through windows giving her guidance. As she reached the top of the stairs, she stood in the middle of a hallway, seeing two doors to her right and one on the left. She stepped forward, knowing which room she needed to head into since this wasn't her first time doing this sort of thing. She read the name that marked the door at the end of the hall to the right. Marco. The door behind her was Star's room, which was obvious due to the excessive drawings on the door.
As she slowly entered the room in front of her, she scanned the room left to right, seeing no one but hearing the faint sound of water splashing repeatedly in the bathroom connected to room. As she casually walked in, closing the door behind her, she placed her bag on top of the bed while climbing on it herself. She laid on top with her hands behind her head and her legs crossed, as she heard the water cut and the sound of footsteps walking back and forth, teeth being brushed soon after.
Sound within the bathroom had ceased for a moment, though it wasn't unexpected and the girl atop the bed kept a straight face. She eyed the clock beside her, which read 11:42 PM. He usually got ready for bed an hour earlier but it wasn't uncommon for him to come home from an adventure at a later time.

The bathroom door opened, which diverted her attention back to her front, causing her to express a half-lidded smile. The boy who walked out with a towel up to his chest and one on the top of his head stopped in his tracks. His face grew not with surprise, but with frustration and confusion. This wasn't the first time she'd snuck into his house, or been in his room without him knowing. But it was almost midnight, and this was a first (at least while he was awake).
"Janna, what are you doing here?" He droned melancholically, as if he had asked this plenty of times before, which he pretty much had.
"What, can't a girl enjoy some company once and a while?" she responded, sitting up and keeping the sly expression she held since he left the bathroom.
He gave a sigh of frustration, as he pinched the bridge of his nose and held his eyes shut, hoping that by the time he looked up and opened them, his bed would be empty and he'd be able to get a good night's rest, which unfortunately wasn't the case.
"Janna, it's been a long day. It's Friday, and it's late. I just want to sleep in without having you steal my soul or something, and not have to worry about something school related."
Janna chuckled lightly. "I don't need your soul Diaz, not yet anyways." her grin widened, as Marco rolled his eyes, unsure if she had been serious.
"Alright, then why are you here?" he asked, prepared to say his usual no after usually anything Janna asked him for. Her face slowly transformed into a more serious one. One of sorrow and almost of an apologetic tone. Marco noticed this, but kept his composure.
Janna spoke up, now sitting on the side of his bed, looking away. "I got into a fight with my parents and I can't stay there without feeling extremely uncomfortable." She then looked towards Marco, who had expected some sort of lame excuse to mess with him, but now had been at shock, feeling a bit of empathy for the girl, which he never had before.

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