A Third Party Interferes!//Chapter 15.

Start from the beginning

Faythe blinked a couple of times and felt her feathers tingle exhilaration. she didn't know how it happened so quickly but Luffy ended up under the dinosaur's bone of a house for the giant. The dust and smoke that filled the air of the impact was now slowly faded away.

"Luffy!" Vivi called out worriedly.

That brought Faythe's mind back to earth. She whipped her head around and ran towards her captain, to see him slamming his hands into the ground.

"AHHH! What're you doing!? Move your damn house off me!" Luffy shouted. Faythe slid to her knees and pushed her shoulder against the dinosaur bone.

"This god damn fossil!" She shouted angrily. Vivi looked at the bone and then towards the giant who was now standing up striaght. And was now pointing his sword proudly towards them.

"You can't stop me." Dorry stated, The dust in the clearing was ow circling him, giving him the dramatic effect.

"It may have been over a hundred years ago... Since this battle began... But running away from a battle that has already begun, is to run away from being a warrior." Dorry Wheezed out a puff of air, trying to keep his breathing even. Faythe could see he was still in terrible shape as the blood hasn't stopped dripping down his face along with the newfound sweat. On his face were literal veins popping out on his skin.

"And to no longer be a warrior, is to no longer be myself."

Faythe stopped with her impossible struggle and took a second to feel those words. Her eyes widened as she processed what the giant just said. As she did that Dorry took the obligations to sheath his sword, giving out another puff of breathe, before turning away towards the spot where he would meet his foe.

"My apologies, for doubting you little ones..."

Luffy laid there, grinding his teeth in frustration.

"This is merely the judgement of the Warrior God, Elbaf...! All it means, is that I am not blessed by his divine protection...!" His Indigo cape fluttered behind him in a majestic way. His shield and sword out in a stance ready to enter battle.

"ENOUGH ABOUT GOD, DIVINE PROTECTION, AND WHATEVER! THAT DOES'NT MATTER AT ALL! IF YOUR GOD TOLD YOU TO DIE, WOULD YOU WILLINGLY KILL YOURSELF!?" Luffy was now shouting at the top of his lungs. Faythe perked up at this, she felt her stomach drop at her captain's words.

"SOMEBODY ELSE UNFAIRLY INTERFERED WITH YOUR DUEL! A DUEL THAT BEEN MANIPULATED BY A THIRD PARTY ISNT A PROPER DUEL ANYMORE!" Luffy was getting desperate now to stop this whole thing, his clenched fists now shaking. Faythe nodded quickly, she was gonna add something but was interrupted again by the same giant.

"Silence... A little one like you who has only lived a mere 10 or 20 years, could not possibly comprehend Elbaf's Divine words...!"

Faythe quickly shut her mouth at the words spoken.

"God dammit!" Faythe cursed irritated at how small she seems at this moment.

"HELL IF I CARE! JUST GET THIS OFF ME!" The captain was now using his fists to try and punch the giant dinosaur skull off himself. Meanwhile she saw Dorry already leaving in the corner of her eye. This just made her more determined to help her captain out of his predicament.

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