George Weasley~Heaven Or Hell

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   You are (Y/N) (L/N), a fifth year Hufflepuff. You are fairly good friends with the sixth year Weasley twins and Lee Jordan. You are the one who tries to keep them out of trouble, even though you know that there's no controlling them. You and George flirt alot, but it's just jokingly right?

*Your POV*

"What did you guys do this time?" I asked when I found the boys waiting outside of the potions classroom.

"Nothing." They said.

   Like I'm going to believe that. The boys had finished their classes for the day a period before I finished mine, so I knew that they must've gotten into some sort of trouble while I wasn't watching.

"You blew up another toilet, didn't you?" I asked.

"I swear that you can read minds." George said, wrapping an arm around my shoulders as we started towards their commonroom.

"That, and Fred is holding a broken toilet handle." I said laughing.

   I felt eyes on my and threw a quick glance over my shoulder. There stood Katie Bell, glaring daggers at me. I rolled my eyes before facing forward to talk to the boys.

"Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?" George asked and I couldn't help but smile, even though I rolled my eyes.

"No, but I scraped my knees climbing up from hell." I said.

   I ducked from underneath George's arm and took off running, knowing fully well that he would follow me. It didn't take long for George to catch up with me, but the other two were nowhere in sight. Well, that's what they thought. I could plainly see them peeking out from around a corner. Realizing that there was no way that I could out run George, I slowed my pace so that we were both walking side by side. George unexpectedly grabbed my hand, swinging our intertwined hands as we walked. I couldn't help but giggle a I tried to keep up with him.

"Slow down, bigfoot." I said.

   George looked down at me and laughed.

"It's not my fault that you're so short." He teased.

"I'm not that short, you're just really really tall." I said, pouting.

"I still don't know how you do it." George said as he stopped walking and looked down at me.

"Do what?" I asked, confused.

"Make my heart skip a beat." He said, smiling before leaning down to kiss me.

   We could here Fred and Lee whistling but we didn't care.

"We're dating now." George said when we pulled away.

"We are?" I joked.

"Yup, you don't have a choice." He said.

"Yeah, I do. But I'm going to have to agree with you for once."

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