Bill Weasley~St. Mungos

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   You are Emlyn (L/N), Bill Weasley's bestfriend. You had always had a crush on him, making you very upset when he proposes to Fleur.

*Emlyn's POV* 

   I have been sitting next to Bill's bed 24/7 all week, clinging to his hand. When the deatheaters invaded Hogwarts a week ago, Greyback had attacked Bill. The ginger still hasn't woken up, and his so called fiance hasn't visited the whole time.

"You should go home and get a good night's rest." Molly said, attempting a smile.


"Not buts. You need some sleep." She argued.

   I sighed, knowing that it would be no use to fight back. I pressed a kiss to Bill's forehead before standing and walking towards the door.

"Owl me if anything happens." I said.

"I will, dear. Don't worry." Molly said.

   I glance back at Bill one last time before walking out the room. I apparated to my flat. I sluggishly walked into my room, flopping down on my bed. I didn't even bother to change or climb under the covers before I fell asleep.

 Less than two hours later, I was awakened by something beating against my window. I stumbled out of bed and over to the window to let the owl in. The owl dropped a letter in my hand before flying back out the window. I skimmed over the letter before rushing around my room to try and find my shoes. I eventually got them on and apparated to St. Mungos. I ran through the halls to Bills room. 

   When I got there, several healers and Weasleys were in the room. Bill was yelling something that I was unable to understand. I rushed over to his bed side, grabbing his hand tightly as I sat down on the chair next to his bed. Bill almost immediately calmed down, to my relief. Of course, that's when Fleur decided to join us.

"Is my Bill okay?" She asked, walking to the opposite side of the bed to take his hand.

   I fought the urge to roll my eyes.

"By what just happened, he should wake up in the next few days." The head healer said.

"Thank Merlin." I sighed.

   The healers left the room leaving only me, Fleur, and Molly with Bill.

"Took you long enough." I said, glaring at Fleur.

"Excuse me?" She asked.

"You haven't visited him at all in the week that he's been here." I said, glaring.

"I have, you just haven't been here." Fleur lied.

"She hasn't left the hospital the whole time he's been here, until about two hours ago. I made her go home since she hasn't gotten much sleep here." Molly said, pointing to a pillow and a blanket sitting in a nearby chair.

   Fleur went red in the face, knowing that she was caught. 

"What's the point if he's not awake?" She asked.

"You'd think that since you're his fiance you would be the one by his side. But, instead it's me." I snapped.

"What the hell?"

   I smile lit up my face as I looked to Bill who was rubbing his eyes tiredly.

"I'll get the healer." Molly said happily, hurrying out of the room.

"I've been so worried!" Fleur exclaimed, squeezing Bill in a tight hug.

   I rolled my eyes, letting go of Bill's hand as I leaned back in my chair. Luckily, the head healer came to my rescue

"It's good to see that you're awake, Mr. Weasley. Especially after that scare a little bit ago." The healer said.

"Scare?" Bill asked, somehow managing to wiggle out of Fleur's grasp.

"Yes. But your girlfriend came and calmed you down." The healer said, pointing at me.

"I'm his fiance, that's his bestfriend!" Fleur shrieked angrily.

"Sadly" I mumbled.

"Well, you don't act much like it. This is the first time that I've even seen you here." The healer said.

"I like this one." I said, smirking as he checked Bill's vitals.

"He's far too opinionated." Fleur glared.

"He speaks the truth, though." I said with an innocent smile.

   Luckily, Bill would be fine. If it had been the full moon, it would be much different but we were lucky that Greyback was in human form. The healer left the room, taking Molly with him to talk about treatment or something like that.

"I have to go." Fleur said, turning towards the door.

"Fleur, wait." Bill said.

"Hmm?" She asked, spinning around to face him.

"I can't do anymore." Bill said.

"Are you breaking up with me?" She asked.

"Yes, we both know that would never work." Bill sighed.

"Keep the ring." Fleur said angrily, slamming the jewelry on the little night stand beside the bed before storming out of the room.

"That went.....well." I said.

"Honestly, it went better than I thought it would. I only was with her because I never thought that you'd like me back." Bill said, avoiding my gaze.

   A smile made it's way onto my face as I moved to sit on the edge of the bed.

"Well, you ought to know that I've been hopelessly in love with you for years. I'm pretty sure everyone saw it but you." I said.

"Wait, is that why the twins always teased you so much?" He asked, now realizing.

"Yeah, they knew before I did." I laughed.

"So, you want be mad if I do this?" Bill asked.

"Do wh-" I was cut off when he pressed his lips to mine.

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