Harry Potter~Brother's Enemy

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   You are (Y/N) Malfoy, a fourth year Slytherin. You are Draco's twin sister, older by less than two minutes. You have a bit of a crush on Harry Potter, but you haven't told anyone because Draco would kill you if he found out. Not really, but he'd be really mad. The reason why you like the Boy Who Lived is because you've seen past the fame. You like him for being himself, not because if the fame. You're also kinda friends with Hermione, since you often hang out in the library and study together

*Your POV*

"For the bazillionth time, I don't want one of your stupid badges." I told my brother.

   The idiot has been trying to get me to wear one all day. Harry had gotten into the tournament and Draco was mad so he made some dumb 'Potter Stinks' badges. It's really petty if you asked me.

"Why not?" He whined.

"Because it clashes with me outfit." I lied, rolling my eyes at him before walking away.

   I eventually found myself in the library.

"How am I supposed to do that?" Someone asked.

   I walked around the bookshelf I was searching through to see Hermione and Harry, looking through several books at a table not far away.

"Do what?" I asked, sitting next to Hermione.

"We need to figure out how to summon a broomstick." Hermione said, glancing up at me.

   Harry looked a bit confused.

"Wear something slutty." I said.

   Hermione shot me a glare but Harry tried to stifle a laugh.

"Okay, sorry. Have you tried the accio charm?" I asked.

"Why haven't I thought of that?" Hermione said, slapping her hand to her forehead.

"I don't know, but I better get going. Draco will kill me if he finds me hanging out with Gryffindors." I said, rolling my eyes.

"Ok, good luck." Hermione said.

"Yeah, and thanks for the help." Harry said, smiling at me.

   It was the day of the first task and I was worried for the champions. I decided to sneak down to the tent before the task started.

"I have to go o the loo." I said to mg brother before walking away.

   I hurried down to the tent and inside, to find Hermione, too.

"Good luck." I said to Harry.

   He smiled at me before suprising me, pulling me into a hug. I hugged him back, resting my head on his shoulder.

"Thanks for the help the other day." He said.

"It was no big deal, can't let the Boy Who Lived die, can we?" I asked.

"We better get out of here, me don't want to get caught." Hermione said.

"Be careful." I said to Harry, kissing him on the cheek before Hermione pulled me out of the tent.

   We seperated, going back to our seats. When Harry's turn came, he had a bright red lipstick stain on his cheek and I'm the only student who wears that color. Oops.

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