Neville Longbottom~Detention With Snape

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You are a Gryffindor in your third year. Your best friends are Neville, Ginny, and Luna and friends with the Golden trio.

*Your POV*

I woke up to my friend, Hermione shaking my awake. "Hurry up,or we will be late!" she said.

I leapt out of bed and grabbed an outfit I had set out, before I rushed to the bathroom. I quickly got showered, dressed, and did my hair and make up. I stepped out of the bathroom to look at the clock. 8:40, classes start at 9:15 so I have 35 minutes to eat breakfast.

I rushed out of the dorm and into the common room, where I saw Neville coming down the stairs of the boys' dorms, struggling with his tie.

"Here, let me help." I said as I walked over properly tied his tie.

"Thanks." he said.

"No problem. We better get going or we'll miss breakfast." I stated. We walked to the Great Hall to have 25 minutes left before we had to go to class. We sat down with Ginny and Luna. Luna is a Ravenclaw but she spends so much time with us at the Gryffindor table, that the teachers don't care anymore.

We started eating in silence, until Ginny broke it.

"What class do you two have first? Me and Luna have Charms." She asked/stated.

I thought for a moment, before answering,"Potions."

"Good luck." Luna said.

"Thanks, Lu."

*Skipping potions class*

Me and Neville just got out of potions class. We both got detention for melting our cauldrons, again. The rest of our classes went well and we decided to find Luna and Ginny. We finally found them studying in the library.

"How did classes go?" Luna asked, dreamily.

"All went well except potions. We melted our cauldrons again, so Snape gave us detention." I said.

"What time is your detention at?" Ginny asked.

"5:00." Neville replied.

"You better leave now then, you don't want to make Snape mad." Ginny said after checking the clock.

"OK, see you 2 later!" I said before walking to the Potions classroom, with Neville right behind me.

I knocked on the door.

"Come in!" We heard Snape's monotone voice drawl from behind the door.

"The two of you will be sorting the ingredients. I will be back in a few minutes, I have to go talk to the head master." He stated before heading out of the door.

We walked over to the ingredient closet and began to organize the hundreds of jars.

"(Y/N), um.....I was kinda......wonderingifyouwouldgotohogsmeadewithme?" Neville rushed out.

It took me a minute but I finally understood what he had said.

"Like on a date?"

He blushed and nodded.

"I would love to!" I exclaimed, hugging Neville around the neck.

Just then Snape walked in. "The two of you are excused." He said before stalking to his desk.

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