2 。*:・゚

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You couldn't help feeling nervous as your hands pulled at your sleeves.

I told Alex that wearing the boy's uniform would be more comfortable, but I take that back.

Your footsteps echoed along the corridor, as you followed behind the assistant headteacher who glanced every now and then at you.

"Are you nervous, l/n-san?"

"Just a little." He gave you a reassuring smile, slowing to a halt before a grand door. Inside, you could hear lively chattering. The teacher brought his hand up and knocked on the door three times in slow succession, and the sounds died out.

The door opened to reveal a spacious and elegant classroom with walls of soft pastel blues, marble ceilings and gold accents unlike the stone cobbled walls of your old school. You could see the sky open up from the huge windows and on the floor, polished wooden desks occupied the middle in rows.

"Good morning Soga-Kun. We have a new student. He will be part of Class 1-A from now on."

You stumbled into the room but you immediately stood upright. Your eyes cast over the room, seeing unfamiliar faces looking back at you in anticipation.

"My name is l/n f/n. I am an art scholarship student originally from Earl Thomas Academy. It is lovely to meet you." You bowed, flashing a warm smile. "Please take care of me."

Haruhi who was watching you introduce yourself, noticed that a few girls seemed to be chattering excitedly about you.

"Is there a spare seat anywhere?" Soga-kun called.

"There's one here." A girl answered, pointing behind her and you made your way to the empty seat towards the back of the room.

"Hi there, l/n-san, I'm Aiko." The girl in front introduced with a bright smile that made you smile back.

"It's nice to meet you. Can I call you Aiko?" You watched in surprise as Aiko's cheeks flushed.

"O-Of course!"

"Nice to meet you, l/n-san." Another voice greeted. You turned to find a chocolate haired boy sitting behind you.

Nope, it's a girl. She's wearing shoes for women and a subtle feminine body spray... Finally, someone who can relate with me!

"I'm Fujioka Haruhi."

"It's nice to meet you Haruhi. Call me f/n."

The two beside her spoke.

"I'm Hitachin Hikaru."

"And I'm Hitachin Kaoru."

You hadn't noticed them, but your heart almost skipped a beat. They were so freaking beautiful.

They were identical twins, both smartly dressed, with auburn messy hair parted in opposite directions and distinct honey eyes.

They have thicker eyelashes than me? You cried internally.

"Just call me f/n-san." You smiled through the pain. Damn pretty boys.

Well, at least they seemed nice.

The first lesson was maths, much to your dismay. You weren't terrible at maths, it just wasn't very interesting. You found yourself staring at the window as the teacher let the class work on some equations. If only you could go outside and paint...

You turned your head indiscreetly, glancing behind at Hikaru.

Hikaru and Kaoru look similar, but they are different. You focused on Hikaru as he stared down at his paper, writing swiftly.

His pen grip is a lot tighter. He's getting through the questions quickly; he probably likes maths more than his brother-

His eyes locked with yours and you whipped your head around so fast you swore you got whiplash.

He also has very vibrant honey eyes... You let out a tense breath. God that scared me.

After a few seconds, you stole a quick glance at him to find him back at work.

He probably thinks I'm creepy now.

Hikaru slowed, hearing your pen scratch against the paper. He glanced at you.

Does he like me or something? He pondered on it for a moment. I bet he wouldn't even be able to tell the difference between me and Kaoru.

And he carried on with his work.

It was break time and your curiosity had led you to peruse the shelves of one of the four libraries.

"A host club, hm?" You muttered.

Aiko had talked about attending a flower-viewing reception in the garden by Ouran Host Club. Hikaru and Kaoru had explained that along with Haruhi, they were part of the club.

"Without any girls, a host club wouldn't have worked out at ETA." You almost snorted at the idea of Alex being a host. What a ridiculous way to boost his already huge ego.

Your thoughts were interrupted by a squeal somewhere in the library. You sighed to yourself.

It's so loud in here.

You wandered through the shelves, feeling the weight of the camera dangling off your neck. You were looking for a small, vintage novel that would contrast with the colour of sakura petals.

Your finger hovered above a book, and you pulled it from the shelf, turning it over in your hands. "The Chronicles of Narnia... By C.S Lewis."

"It's a good read." Your eyes fell upon a bespectacled boy. He was smartly dressed, hair neatly parted, and rather tall. And might I add good-looki- Shut up. "However, the version you are holding is in English. Can you speak English?"

"Yes." You replied hesitantly, wondering why he was talking to you. "I wasn't planning on reading it, but since you seem like a reader yourself, I might give it a go."

The two of you were silent for a few seconds before the boy spoke up.

"Otori Kyoya from Class 2-A. It's nice to meet you."

"Likewise. I'm l/n f/n from Class 1-A." Kyoya raised a brow, with a knowing smile that made you wonder what he was thinking, when his attention drifted towards the camera.

"Are you a photographer?"

"This?" You held up your camera. "It's more of a hobby. But it's been a while."

Kyoya placed a thumb under his chin, as though he was analysing you before speaking. "I'd like to hire you to take photos for my club, Ouran Host Club."

Well, that certainly piqued your interest. This boy was in the same club as Haruhi, Hikaru and Kaoru as well.

"How would you know if my photos were any good, Otori-san?"

"You did come here on an art scholarship, or am I wrong, l/n-san?" He replied plainly. You blinked in surprise.

"No, you're correct." You replied with a smile. He's interesting. Kyoya swiftly resumed.

"The photos we would look for are simple photos of our members modelling in different clothes. And payment... We can discuss that if you agree."

He seemed to notice your hesitance and added, "If you are unsure, I invite you to our club today in the gardens after school."

You nodded.

"Alright then, Otori-san. I will see you afterschool." With your book in hand, you left the library, intrigued as to what would happen.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2021 ⏰

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