The pangs in my heart and stomach grew as I become breathless. I pulled out the dagger one last time and raised it in the air. I looked him in the eye, as I take in quick short breathes from my mouth as the pain grows in my internal organs. Namjoon gave me a genuine smile as he stares back at me. My hands froze in their place with the thought that I might not be able to live anymore but the grin on his face reminded me that I have to die. My hands trembled and the grip loosened on the dagger.

I let go of the dagger.

I fell on my knees.

And become one with the ground.

My heart filled with mixed feelings of sadness and happiness.

I was sad because I have to kill myself to win.

I was happy because I saw Namjoon lose in this fight.

Blood escaping from my wound

And colouring the ground with its red colour.

Slowly, I gasped for air.

As my lungs give up to respond.

My heartbeat going numb.

Namjoon who laid on the ground.

Injured and numb.

Looked at me and smiled.

I coughed out blood to clear out the knot in my lungs.

His lips craved in a smile.

As he mouthed.

" Zia."

My eyes flutter as the heaviness in my head doesn't lessen and the pain grew on my abdomen. My will to stay alive falling apart as I felt my t-shirt soaked with blood. My arms seem to lose the power in them as I laid there facing Namjoon who seems to whisper something under his breath.

The sky rumbled as the clouds gathered around and the moon hid behind it. The air filled with screams and strong winds as Namjoon closed his eyes. There were screams which sounded like howling. It was so inhuman. I could tell. Midst of these howling and screams, I could hear the faded singing of the angels from Heaven.

The chilly surroundings changed and felt like being trapped in a box as screams echoed in your ears. I couldn't bear the screeching. I tried to cover my ears but it was of no use. The dark environment slowly lit up in hues of yellow and orange. The light grows bigger and bigger as the shadows of the trees grow taller and farther. There was warmth amid chilly winds, the birds flew away and the howling increased as my ears go numb. The warmth seems to come closer and closer and the shadows grew bigger and bigger. The chilly breeze was mixed with the burning smoke and stench of human flesh.

My ears continue to ring and it got so intense that I couldn't hear anything anymore. I could feel the wetness of the blood against the cartilage of my ear which tried to escape. The warmth that I felt before seem to slowly burn my skin with its heat. Someone's step could be heard against the ground. The burning sensation got worse as I heard a step so closer to my head.

My eyes still set on Namjoon. The figure came into view and I saw a lady walking away with steps so slow and controlled. The long hair touches the lower back. The farther she went from my sight and towards Namjoon. The clearer it came into view that the train of her dress was on fire while the rest of her dress didn't even catch fire.

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