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"She should be back by now," I say worriedly, adjusting the rifle in my hands. "What if they've done something to her?"

"They haven't," Bellamy replies. "Just keep your eyes peeled." I look over to see his jaw clench. He's worried too.

Following the exchange between Grounders and Skypeople back at the drop ship, the Grounder Commander, Lexa, brought Clarke with her to talk over the possibility of a truce. The rest of us were sent back to Camp Jaha to wait out the outcome.

It has since become dark and foggy out, making visibility around the electric fence that's cooping us in horrible. Almost the entire Guard is outside manning the fence in case Lexa refuses a truce and the Grounder army comes marching on us with full force. But if that were to happen, we'd stand no chance anyway.

Formerly of the Guard and somewhat trained gunmen from our time spent on the ground, Bellamy and I have been given rifles to help man the gate for when Clarke returns. I'd say that our situation reminds me of our time working together on the Ark, but neither of us is wearing a Guard's uniform and we never got to have a gun up there either. There's a tinge of awkwardness between us nonetheless.

We continue to watch the gate with the help of the Guards up in the watch towers to each of our sides. I fail to hold back a shiver, catching Bellamy's attention. "You cold?"

I shake my head, although I actually am a little cold. "It's the fog. It's creeping me out."

I can barely see ten feet in front of me, and the darkness only makes the matter even more difficult. But the fog isn't the only thing that's putting me on edge. This might just be the last night of our lives if Clarke doesn't pull this off. It's a lot of pressure to put on one person's shoulders, but if anyone can handle it, it's her.

And then the foggy darkness is slightly broken by two faintly blurry dots of orangey yellow. Bellamy and I immediately stand straighter, raising our rifles from the aim at the ground to point at the gate.

The dots slowly grow bigger until the smoke rising from the torches can be seen breaking up the fog. Two horses slowly approach, each with a Grounder on their back. Then a silhouette appears between them.

Bellamy and I step closer to the gate to get a better look through our scopes at who the person could be, shining the light of our rifles in the direction of them. It's Clarke.

"Hold your fire," Bellamy calls for the rest of the guardsmen. "She's back."

Major Byrne hears Bellamy and motions for her men in the watch towers to let her in. "Power up the gate, secure all access points. Stay ready."

The gate opens and the two Grounders on horseback stay just behind the border while Clarke walks back into safety. I'm about to ask her if she's okay when suddenly Finn beats me to it, appearing from out of nowhere.

Upon seeing him, Clarke swiftly turns around, ordering "Shut the gate" before taking Finn's arm and leading him away. I just about hear her telling him that he can't be out here as they head towards the station.

Bellamy and I share a loaded look before turning to head after them while the Grounders stay in their spot just beyond the gate.

A crowd is starting to form around Clarke as she hugs her mother hello just by the entrance. "What did she say?" Abby asks. "Is there a chance for a truce?"

Raven steps up next to me while Clarke hesitates to answer, before breathing out a "Yes."

"What's wrong," Finn asks, sensing her nervousness.

Clarke pauses for a moment, looking at nothing in particular in front of her before turning her head to lock eyes with him. "They want you."

A few looks are exchanged between us all. "If we want a truce we have to give them Finn," Clarke elaborates.

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