✧✧The Gothic Girl✧✧

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Disclaimer: I do not own Attack on Titan/Shingeki no Kyojin or any of this characters, Isayama is the creator.

I hold the rights of my story, and allow translation or adaptation as long as you give credits to me. (灬º‿º灬)♡

Note at the end of the story.

Chapter one: The Gothic Girl.

Third Person PoV

Heavy hearted, it was the begining of the hell once again, for Eren, her grip on the strap of her backpack gets tighten as she heaved a loud and deep sighed, before entering the gate. Stohess High, more to be like, the entrance in hell. In six years of being in the realm of humans, life has never been easy for Eren. But she chooses to ease the pain.

“Feel the pain, until it no long hurts,” she muttered to herself, to motivate herself, a little. But... “Seems like Xadex don't give a fuck,” she walk up the staircase, glancing left and right, to see a sign of Levi and his friends, and sigh in relief after she didn't saw neither his shadow not his friends’ ones.

That's where she felt, a strong forced had her therefore, she had almost fell on the staircase, luckily, she's manage to grabbed and hold the railings before falling. “What an adrenaline,” a feminine bitchy voice uttered, it's Petra, the only girl in the gang of Levi, hands on her waist, “Such an alas, you should already fell on the stair and die,” she laughed bitchily before walking away like a beauty queen. Everyone see her, but no one dare to help. Either way, they're afraid, or they don't care.

Eren’s hands were shaking in mixed emotions, “Petra...” she said in a low voice, Petra stopped, before looking back at her, “Yes slut? Don't waste my time for your shits,”

Et intulit ea quae erat in me, et reddam tribbus temporibus, caput ad pollicem, cutis et nervus prorsus ut vos adepto quod merentur,” her eyes were burning in flame of anger, Petra couldn't move for a second, doesn't know what the hell is she saying, or what, but only thing she knew is, it doesn't funny.

Well, still, she manage to rolled her eyes and act like a bitch, (even she's totally is), “Whatever you said,” then she walked away, as if nothing happened.


“Really, she's a crazy bitch,” Petra told her friends, they're on the abandoned building of Stohess, where they're freely smoking weeds, and cigarette. “Lol, you must be the crazy one,” Gunter uttered. “What the fuck!?” Petra stand up from a wooden chair and walk towards Gunter to kick his chair. “Hahahah, easy babe,” Gunter laughed. Eww, don't call me babe Gunter, we all know that Levi is my crush,” the gang all look at Levi, who was hitting his cigarette.

“What shall we do now?” Orou asked.

“Well, watch out,” Levi’s steel gray eyes shimmered.

The gang was filled with defeaning silence, they know Levi has a plan, something they couldn't figure out.

6:30 PM, Eren was walking out, in relief, she don't know why, Levi and his gang stopped messing with her, but she's grateful with that. “Thanks my Lord, Xadex,” she uttered at peace.

“Hey bitch,” she stopped all of the sudden, hearing a cold—monotonous voice. Her body begins to shivered. She gently look behind, and see, Levi is alone, himself. She just glared at him.

Levi smirked. “What in the world, such a beautiful lady, doing to a dark forest like this, at this time?” she don't know what coldness and shiver has her body received when Levi says the word, ‘beautiful,’

Eren shook her head, “None,” and turn her back to walk, slowly but in the other direction, since she don’t want an as*hole like Levi know where the h*ll she’s living at. Cracking sounds of their feet stepping on the ground was heard. As Levi continued to followed Eren, he can sense the uncomfortableness in her.

“So, I heard about you and Petra lately...” he cutted the silence. “—You’re girlfriend started it,”

Levi smirked. “She’s not my girlfriend,”

Eren didn't bothered to answered him, as now, she's talking to the guy who messed up with her life all these months now, wow, it's quite unbelievable, she just couldn't believe it'll happened, not even in her crystal balls or clairvoyance power.

Eren remain silent, she still remember her first day in Stohess High, when she's going to introduce herself to her new classmates, Levi let out an hysterical laughter, and he and his gang begun throwing her papers, pencil and pens, until the whole class joined them.

That's how the hell in her life has started in the realm of humans. She didn't bothered to mind them, but instead to focus on her studies. At the same time, she's studying witchcrafts in their realm.

In her walking, she didn't notice that she was out to the forest and was in front of a convince grocery, so she'd just decide to escape on Levi and go on the crowd. While inside, she'd bought herself a snack, and saw two figures looking at her, beside her, actually.

It's Mikasa Ackerman, the cousin of Levi, and Armin Arlert, her best friend. Eren just look down, and act as if she didn't see them. It's not that she’s a snobber, yet, she don't like to socialized with anyone, especially if it's related to the Ackermans.

“Ahhh... Eren...” she looked at Mikasa, who's hesitantly looking at her, “Yes...?” the two almost fainted on how beautiful and sweet her deep raspy attractive voice. Technically, they didn't heard her talking, since then, they didn't knew what's her voice is.

“Ahhh... I know, you think we’re bad, but actually we’re not, we've got your back if you needed.” Mikasa stated. Armin nodded as she says that. Eren didn't say anything, yet to smiled at both of them. There, they started their friendship, but not that too much attached. Yet, friends, Mikasa and Armin had be friend with the mysterious gothic girl in the school.

Author’s note: finally, this is the current version of I'm in love, which I wrote around 2017. I'm so sorry for everyone who wait for the update, thanks for your support everyone, God bless(◍•ᴗ•◍)❤ please wait for the second chap~ please vote, comment a follow so I have motivation to update this story༎ຶ‿༎ຶ


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