九 nine

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[3rd person]


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"sorry we're late."

kenma said as the two walked towards their huge group of friends who have already gathered at the bar.

the two had taken a while to reach the bar as kamiko saw a dress that she liked and kenma insisted on buying it for her.

and so here she is, wearing the newly bought short black dress with a slit up on her thigh.

since kenma insisted, she just had to wear it, both for herself and for him. it made her feel bad, but hes her sugar daddy after all. and if hes willing to buy it for her, then all she can do is enjoy it.

"you look so beautiful miko !"

bokuto shouted towards them and patted the empty bar stool beside him, gesturing for them to sit down.

"thank you, you look good too."

a sudden whistle came from the other side of the table, and she looked up to see oikawa smirking at her.

"well arent you pretty."

"oh, you must be oikawa-san."

"nice to meet you too, goddess."

he leaned on his left palm and stared at her. oikawa is a flirt, and everyone at the table knew that. kenma knew that, but he cant help the unpleasant feeling bubbling inside him from all the attention oikawa is giving her.

"miko, these are all the people in our japan team ! you memorized their names right ?"

hinata smiled happily as he passed her and kenma their drinks the waiter just brought over.

"of course, i dont want to get scolded on my first day."

"a girl ?!"

a female voice came from the left side of kamiko and she turned to find a very good looking girl smiling at her from beside bokuto.

"im koike shizuka ! just call me zuka, im the manager for our team."

she asked bokuto to switch places with her and the two girls immediately started talking like old friends.

as the night went on, the group of friends started drinking more and more, exposing their drunk selves to each other, all except kenma who drove his car over.

kenma watched as kamiko took another shot and started conversing with suna about whether plants have feelings or not.

and he shook his head in disgust when he turned his head and saw kuroo, bokuto, atsumu and aran holding hands while chanting some weird cult shit.

the whole bar was looking at their big group and he cant help but feel extremely embarrassed to be seen with these dumbasses.

"hey miko-chan !"

kamiko turned towards oikawa and gave a loop-sided smile, clearly very drunk even though she is the best drinker out of all of them.

"oikawa-san !"

oikawa giggled as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders and leaned onto her, the two flirting right in front of kenmas face.

"im gonna call you goddess ! ... can i call you goddess ?"

"o-of course you can ! in fact, you can call me ..."

she grabbed his phone and typed down her number in his contacts, making sure it was the first contact so he would see it instantly.

he left after a few minutes, dragged away by iwaizumi to join kuroo and the others in their 'volleyball cult'.

kenma frowned at kamiko as she grinned at him. she moved towards him and placed both hands on his neck and stoof between his legs.

"daddy, are you angry ?"

she pouted and he felt the jealousy from before fade away a little. how can she be so cute ?


"i mean, we can have angry sex if you want ...", he raised his eyebrows in shock at how bold this woman is right now.

"not when youre drunk."

"ugh, then can i suck your di-"

kenma covered her mouth with his hand and grabbed her waist, afraid that she was going to fall as her body started to go limp.

"kenma ! you ... i ... i cant believe you got a girlfriend before i did !" kuroo smacked his friends head as he exchanged a weird wink with bokuto.

"hes not my boyfriend ! but i do have a girlfriend ! its zuka-chan !"

"thats right ! ive dumped kōrai just for you baby."

hoshiumi groaned from behind shizuka, both drunk and annoyed at his girlfriends 'joke'.

before any of them could speak, hinata stepped between them and vomited right on the spot.


孤爪 𝐒𝐔𝐆𝐀𝐑 𝐃𝐀𝐃𝐃𝐘 ᵎ kenmaWhere stories live. Discover now