Chapter 1

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~Y/N pov~
Seven months. Today is the seventh month I've been in the Glade. There's no words to describe how it is to be here. I don't know if we will make it out of here alive. But I'm not the kind of person to give up. You can't afford to give anything up in this place if you want to survive. I was a medjack before. I got promoted to runner a few weeks ago, after Ben got stung and banished. I run through that maze every day, remembering it's each and every detail but I just can't seem to find a way out. I can see it in the boy's faces that they are losing more and more hope every day. It pains me that after so much time in the maze they are slowly giving up.

This morning I woke up in my hammock, feeling cold from the night before. I could barley feel my toes and fingers, like every single morning. But that was okay. All I wanted to do was find my way out of here. I always get up a little earlier than the rest of the Gladers. I like the peaceful look of the Glade in the early morning. Even though I was always cold waking up, seeing the sun rise and the light of the sun slowly taking over the Glade to give me some warmth made me smile. It's one of the rare moments where I enjoyed the Glade.

I made my way to the kitchen and ate my breakfast alone. The kitchen was so quiet. Just as I was done, more Gladers made their way in. I waved hi to Minho, who looked especially tired today. Minho has been a runner for as long as I can remember. He was here before me. He's the one that knows the most about the maze. He's very important here.

"You look tired this morning Minho. You alright?" I asked him as he was sitting down with a full plate.
"Yeah, I guess I'm alright. When can you ever be alright in this place anyways?" he responded to me.

I understood what he meant. There is not one moment since I've been here where I've felt completely okay. There's always a part of me that's hurting, hopeless or scared. I gave Minho a little smile and I started walking back to my hammock to get ready to run the maze again today.

~Newt's pov~
I woke up this morning and immediately looked to my right, where Y/N hammock is. And like every morning, it was empty. I knew she liked to get up early to enjoy the peaceful Glade. I looked up and saw her figure slowly making it back to her hammock. Probably to get her stuff to run the maze. Ever since she was promoted to being a runner, I was constantly worried for her. She's always been on my mind but now that her life is in danger this way, I can't help but feel constant fear. To be honest, I've always been in love with her, ever since I got her out of that box a few months ago. I was immediately attracted to her beautiful Y/E/C eyes. Even though she looked scared and confused, there was something different about them. Kind of like a light of hope. I instantly knew she would bring big changes to the Glade. And she did... Her perspective is valued around here and she's well respected. She's the person that will always give hope to the other Gladers and that will always volunteer to help out. That's why she was a medjack at first. She seems tough, and she is, but deep down, I know that she's scared. She just doesn't want to show it to the boys. As I was thinking about her, her familiar sweet voice called me;

"Newt? Are you up?" she said to me softly.
"Good morning love. How are you feeling this morning?" I responded while sitting up in my hammock, with a tired morning voice.
"I'm fine. Just getting my stuff to run the maze. It's crazy how everything's changed since my promotion." she said looking down at her feet. "I miss spending time with you in the gardens on my free time."
"Yeah me too. A lot actually." I responded with a faint smile on my face. I couldn't believe she actually missed me. Missed our time together. It made me happy to know that she cares about me.
"Well I have to go. Minho is waiting for me" she said looking at Minho, waving at her to join him. "I'll see you later."
"Be careful love," I said unexpectedly. "I don't need you getting hurt."
"I'm always careful Newt. You don't have to worry about me" she said as she was leaving.

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