A Blushing Ice Prince Of Gotham

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'the image is drawn and written by me 🙄'

No one's POV.
The limo pulled up at Mansion and the group got out to go inside and take rest.

"master Damien! You and your friends suitcases will be delivered in your room in half an hour. I suggest you can give your friends a tour until then!" Alfred spoke to Damien exiting the driving seat.

"Tt! OK. Come on!" Damien said with a expressionless face.

" Yeah let's goo!" Alix screeched a bit excited

"can't wait to get a tour of a billionaire's mansion." nino said.

"guys! We should really go because the demon is ahead of us and I really don't wanna get lost here." marinette said giggling and they headed inside to see Damien talking to Jason.

Jason's POV.

Today's the day that peace will go on vacation and threatening and glaring will be coming back. Because a certain demon is also arriving along!
Oh well. I think he will be bareable this time because he is married to pixie and she has shown that the ice Prince really has a heart deep inside.
Still I can't get my head around the fact he is married or betrothed but he really got an angel for his wife. *chuckle*Demon and Angel!!
World really gets crazy sometimes.

Speaking of demon! Here he comes.

"hey demon spawn! How've you been?!" I asked him and by seeing the grin plastered on my face I think he saw the tease coming.

"Tt! Fine!" he said trying to get in but

"well how's Your wife?!!" I said with a smirk on my face and he gave me the usual death glare but this one didn't work

"oh Hey pixie pop!! How are you!? " I greeted her while she and a girl with pink hair and a boy with headphones were rushing towards us.

"Hey Jay!! I'm fine! Well mostly!". I was about to ask her why but my words got stuck in my tounge when I saw Demon's glaring face turn in to a soft and generous smile.

"So!! My assumptions are correct!! Demons can smile with their hearts as well. And they can also have a heart inside them!!! Hmmm". I said with smirk as Damien face scrunched and in an instant... There it was again!! That dangerous face with glares but I just can't stop from seeing his reaction!

"Tt! Get out from here or else my katana will slit through your throat!!!" he said in a voice full of rage.

"OK Demon that was not nice!! If you don't apologise to your brother then..." Pixie said while I was on cloud nine with pride of being the first person to which THE DEMON SPAWN will apologise!!
"Tt! Sorry heathen!"he said with remote voice but

"omg someone pinch me or see around if the world is ending or not because THE DEMON SPAWN just apologised on someone's order!!" i had to pinch but someone else pinched me so hard.

" Alix get back here!! "pixie yelled to the pink head and I think Alix is her name.

" what!? The man was asking fot it. I just did him a favour!! " Alix said while running away with an incredible speed.

" hey dude! I'm nino lahaffile! Nice to meet you! You must be Jason ". The guy with headphones introduced him self.

"yes it's me! And nice to meet you too!!" I replied.

"okay! I'm going to my room for my beauty sleep and I also need to style my hair and I know my way around here soo byee!!" chhloe said going inside the lift.

" yeah let's go.!" Alix said with excitement.

Well I'm pretty excited and ready to see Demon spawn changing for his wifeee!!

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