Reunion And Confessions

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Damien's POV.

When I walked in class, every one was looking at me but I looked at marinette and she blushed a bit. I gave her a smile 'if my adopted brothers ever saw this they might think I'm crazy'.I stood at front of class.
"My name is Damien Grayson and I'm from Gotham."i introduced myself coldly so they should get the idea of staying away from me, except for my Angel." okay Damien! You can have a seat next to Marinette and she could also give you the school tour after! Okay marinette! " the teacher said oooh so sweetly."of course! Miss." Angel replied. "Tt". I gave them all a cold glare while they shivered. When I was walking upto marinette I caught a girl with sausages in her hair looking at me with sickening smile while batting her eyes at me. I glared at her and she turned to teacher. I walked up and sat next to her. But when I looked around I saw a blonde boy looking sitting next to sausages hair (I can't help myself with calling her sausages hair because it's just too funny and it also suits her sense of style 😂) at me with full of jealousy and hatred. I just gave him a glare then he turned towards the teacher.

Sausages hair POV. (honestly I didn't wanted to write her but what can we do!...)

This new kid Damien is super hot and also smells like money. I'm gonna wrap him around my web of lies as well. But I saw how he looked at Maribrat and gave her a smile but gave a glare towards the whole class. I'll make him on my side!!.

Marinette's POV.

"Why didn't you tell you were coming! Damien" I asked him. "Father wanted to know more about your class so he transferred here because I'm ahead of my age group studies. And also we are here to help you take down hawk moth and mayura!" Damien replied. "so where are you staying? And why did you told here that your last name is Grayson!" I asked him. He gave me smile. "in mayor Burgeoirs Hotel! And I didn't tell my real last name because of press! And Harlots, because they would surround me then. But don't worry! You are not one of them. You are my Angal and betrothed.!" he answered, while I blushed when he called me his Angel and betrothed. But before I could reply miss Bustier stared the class. But of course I couldn't pay any attention because I was sitting next to my husband and possibly my crush. I looked at him to see he was also looking at me. We both quickly turned sideways and blushed. 'oh boy' I thought to myself.

Adrien's POV. (bet you didn't see that coming 😁)

When the new boy walked in I caught him looking up at marinette and giving her a smile at which she blushed. Afterwards I saw them talking to each other like they're friends. I felt jealousy burning inside me and I wanted to get him away from my princess because she's mine. Even if I rejected her, she's still mine and I'll get her back. And I'll also make her pay for what she did to lila. And in the end I'll make her mine by hook or by crook.

______time skip to lunch _______

No one's POV.

"Come on Damien! I still have to give you the tour! Let's go." Marinette said. "You go Angel! I'll be right there OK" Damien said putting his stuff in his bag. Marinette nodded and walked out of class. While chloe came and talked with her, Lila took the chance and tried to get Damien on her side. "Hello Damien! My name is lila. I wanted to tell you that while I was travelling around the world I went to Gotham as well. Its an awesome place. But! You know what! I also met Mr. Wayne and we got along pretty well with their children but sadly we had to leave again because we are always travelling around." sausages hair said with really fake sweet voice. Damien tried his best not to tell her who she is talking about and that he can see right through her." Tt" Damien gave her a glare but sausages hair didn't get the hint and tried to make him on her side.
" I want to warn you about Maribrat!the girl you are sitting next to. She is a bully . And has been bullying me for 1 and half year. If you want I can give you the school tour so you can stay away from that maribrat bully." sausages hair said while batting her eyelashes at him. He wanted to murder her right there and then because no one calls his angel a brat or bully or talk trash about her. He saw that she was trying to get him on her side and leave marinette alone but he wasn't going to let that happen, not till he's with her. "Tt! You are right. So stay away from me. And if I see you near ange-marinette again ! You won't know what hit you! So. Stay. Away. Harlot.!!" Damien said through his gritted teeth. He tried his hardest not to use his kanata at this lying Harlot. He walked past her while lying bitch just huffed." "Come on angel." he said to marinette who was talking to chloe the mayor's daughter . "Bye maribug! See you after lunch in class." chloe said smirking while walking away. "okay! Come on.!". She started the tour.

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