~Death Mark~

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After we got on the train I told everyone everything. Except for he rape part. I just couldn't bring myself to tell them that. Draco was so sure he was gonna get the Death Mark, but I couldn't let that happen. That's the one thing he doesn't want.

We all went inside the Slytherin common room. Draco stayed behind for a second to check something. And since Umbrid is gone, we don't have to sneak in Cedric and Liv anymore. Not long after Draco came. He came and sat next to me. Delphi called me over to sit next to saying she needed to talk. But she told me not to be anywhere near him. I saw what he was trying to do. He was getting all touchy with Pansy and I hated it, but I had to show I didn't care.

We all left for our dorms. I went inside the Gryffindor common room to see all three of them there. Harry, Hermione, and Ron. Oh boy, was I pissed. How the fuck dare he stand in front of me after what he did? Some friends they are.

"Kat-" Harry spoke.

"Don't even. How could you? How could you betray me like that?"

"How could I? You lied. To all of us. All of last year. About playing both sides."

"With good reason."

"I had one of those too."

"Oh really? Enlighten me, please. I wanna hear what reason it could've been that drove you to go ahead and betray me."

"Before that, let's all just calm down." Hermione said. I hated being mad at her.

"Yes please. Bloody hell. You two gave me a whiplash." Ron sat down on the couch. As did Harry. Hermione and I sat on the other side near the fireplace.

Harry sighed. "It was Sirius."

I furrowed my brows. "What? Sirius? What did he say?"

"He said to tell them everything. About you, about your father, about you playing both sides but then you betrayed me."

"But that's just it. I didn't betray you."

"That's what Sirius told me to say. Everyone thinks you're on the dark side now. That you joined your fathers army. Sirius saw it as a way to keep you safe."

"Keep me safe?"

"If your father had found out what side you were truly on, do you really think he wouldn't hurt you?"

"So you only blabbed because Sirius told you to?"

"Yes. I would never do anything to hurt you. I don't exactly want you dead."

I scoffed.

"We all would do anything to keep you safe." Ron spoke.

"You mean alot to us." Hermione walked over to me and held my hands in her hands. "I'm so sorry."

"It's not your fault. What now?"

Harry sighed. "Sirius also said after we tell you everything, you need to pretend to not like us anymore. Pretend you don't care about us anymore. Ignore us as much as you can."

I nodded. "If we're doing this, the common room counts. We can't communicate at all. No matter where." I looked over to Hermione. "We have to change our dorm."

"What? Who are we going to share it with then?" She questioned.

"How about we get Ginny to switch?"

"You'll share with Lavender Brown then?"

"Mhm. I'll share with Lavender and you share with Ginny."

"Perfect. I can't believe I have to be away from you."

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