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"They're here, my Lord. The Ministry's here."

Shit. I swear people need to start listening to me. Fucking hell. What do we do now? Yes. The Portkeys and apparation.

"Do you guys have Portkeys?" I asked. They all nodded. "Great. Some of you can use the portkeys to leave and some of you can apparate. I don't know how, but I don't think that'll raise any suspicions."

"Very well my child." My father spoke. "We will take our leave now. I expect you to fix this problem as soon as possible."

"I will, father. Now just fucking leave, all of you."

Every Death Eater apparated. Delphi was still here. Why the fuck is she still here?

"And you're still here, why?" I questioned her.

She rolled her eyes. "What the hell are you gonna do? Do you even have a plan?"

"I'll just wing it."


"Fuck just leave. I'm tired of saying it."

She apparted out in a second. God damn. I'm tired of people. Shit. But she did have good questions. What am I gonna do? Lucius. I'll throw Lucius under the bus. He deserves it anyways. A few months in Azkaban will do him good. Until my father breaks him out.

"I want Katherine NightinGale Riddle right in front of me this instant." The Minister yelled from outside.

I furrowed my browns. "Since when did NightinGale become my middle name?" I looked over to Draco. No matter how awful Lucius was he was still Draco's father. Could I really do this to him? "We should walk out before he barges in here, unwelcomed."

Draco scoffed. "Like he came here 'welcomed', right now."   

We all took deep breaths and walked out. The whole Ministry was there. Then a tall white bearded man came. Dumbledore. Beardman better save us. The whole room was silent. No one said anything.

"You got me." I spoke, breaking the silence.

"You, Katherine NightinGale, Rid-" The Minister spoke.

"My middle name is not NightinGale. That's my last name."

"Your last name is Riddle."

"You see, I have two last names. Cool isn't it?"

"As much 'cool' as you going to Azkaban."

"And here I thought, we were making progress. Why don't you sit down and have some tea. Cissy here makes amazing Chamomile Tea. You should try it." I should really shut up now.

"Enough. I have had it." He yelled.

"Careful, wouldn't wanna blast you old lungs or anything."

"Get her." He ordered his people.


Son of a bitch. Why is Dumbledore just standing there?

"What is it now?"

"You have to have a reason first to send me to Azkaban."

"I do have a reason."

I was silent. "Well... my silence is your cue, Minister."

"You were trying to steal the Prophecy for your father. You betrayed Mr. Potter into thinking you were on his side."

I- what? "No. I never betrayed anyone."

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