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He heard rather than saw the amused grin on Gideon's face, if it were even possible, as he approached the alpha commander. "Having fun whipping them into shape, my friend?" Gideon asked as he examined the trashed training grounds.

Several trees were downed, probably at Solenn and Solomon's spirited fight. What used to be the obstacle course now looked like a dilapidated playground with broken down monkey bars, torn rope courses, and the high-rise tower used for wall climbing missing a few pegs.

What the in the Triune's name had happened here? Gideon watched, wide-eyed, as the Candidates - the chosen saviors of the Worlds, mind you - continued to make a mess out of the training ground Samson had built on the small bit of land behind his home.

Samson bit back a sigh. "We do not have the same definition of 'fun', I'm afraid."

"Then why did you bring them all here in your own home and training grounds rather than make them stay in the Guardian dormitories? They would have all the access to the training centers, weaponries and medical facilities over there. Your house is not exactly near the Citadel, you know. It's at the edge of the city, not that I mind the scenic view of the sea and the mountains."

"I want to train them the traditional way first before I allow them to use the advanced gadgetries and facilities at the Citadel," Samson replied. "They have to get used to training with nothing but the bare necessities, stripped down of all conveniences, relying on nothing but their strength and wits."

Gideon snickered. Samson utilized the Citadel's high-tech facilities, but he never fully trusted them. He was adamant for the Guardians to learn how to fight and defend themselves even without technology. "You were always too old-fashioned. It's a good plan, though... if only they would cooperate."

Samson couldn't agree more. He should have just sicced them onto Gideon and Deborah who would undoubtedly forego natural training, but no. He just had to take responsibility for them. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Solenn drawing her sword against Solomon again. He sighed before he called out, "Solenn, if you do not put that sword down, so help me I'll -"

"But he started it!" Solenn complained as she pointed her sword at her partner.

It took all of Samson's discipline not to rub his temples in irritation. He wouldn't give these kids - especially Solenn, that problematic child - the satisfaction of knowing they got the best of him. "I don't care who started it, Solenn. I'm ending it. now, put that sword down. All of you, get in line, or I'll throw you out of the city walls to deal with stray demons faster than any of you can blink." He didn't have to raise his voice to get them to follow him. They were lined up in front of him in less than a split second. "Good." He nodded in satisfaction and trained his eyes on Solomon and Solenn. "And you two. Do not think for a moment that I did not find out about your expulsion from class on Earth. You have been warned about what would happen if you got kicked out of class again."


"No buts. You will be disciplined."

"Samson, we were protecting the Hu - Gabriel," Solomon said, correcting himself. It was difficult not to call him "the Human."

"The professor hated us from the get-go, and our falling asleep when we left our doubles was his ticket to getting rid of us." Something flashed in Solomon's eyes as he thought of a way to divert their commander's attention away from their last mishap in the Human world. "Which reminds me, Commander Brall, I'd like to issue a complaint about those doubles."

Gideon's eyebrows shot up. "Oh? What of the doubles?"

"Yeah, what of the doubles?" Mateo butted in. "Those latest models were my projects for the Beta Qualification Exams. If you have any problem with them, you take them up with me."

CHAMPIONS (The Lost Chronicles of Eden, #1) [Published]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu